Center Content: 


BLM Colorado holds oil and gas lease sales quarterly, as required by the Mineral Leasing Act, when eligible lands are available for leasing. We offer parcels for lease on a rotating schedule among field offices to allow each office sufficient time to conduct environmental analysis. However, the BLM has the discretion to offer or defer any parcel during any sale.

The BLM now conducts lease sales online via Please refer to each sale notice for more information on how to register, bid and spectate at online oil and gas auctions.

View upcoming and recent oil and gas lease sale notices and results below. Please navigate to the tab that corresponds with the lease sale you're interested in.

2017 Lease Sales

View all documents related to this sale at our ePlanning site, linked here.

Field Office contact: Ryan Joyner, 970-385-1242,

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interest

Feb. 1, 2016 N/A

Public Scoping

May 9, 2016-June 8, 2016

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Aug. 9, 2016-Sept. 8, 2016

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Nov. 10, 2016

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Nov. 10, 2016-Dec. 12, 2016

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

March 9, 2017

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

March 8, 2017, or later

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

View all documents related to this sale at our ePlanning site, linked here.

Please submit comments to, or mail them to the White River Field Office, Attn: May 2017 Lease Sale 220 E. Market St., Meeker, CO 81461.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interests

May 2, 2016 N/A

Public Scoping

Aug. 8, 2016-Sept. 8, 2016

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Nov. 9, 2016-Dec. 12, 2016

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Feb. 10, 2017

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Feb. 10, 2017-March 13, 2017

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

June 5, 2017

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

June 4, 2017, or later

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

View all documents related to this sale at our ePlanning site, linked here.

Please submit comments to

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interest

Feb. 1, 2016 N/A

Public Scoping

Nov. 7, 2016-Dec. 8, 2016

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Feb 10, 2017-March 13, 2017

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

May 12, 2017

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

May 12, 2017-June 12, 2017

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Sept. 5, 2017

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

Sept. 4, 2017, or later

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interest

Nov. 1, 2016 N/A

Public Scoping

Feb. 6, 2017-March 8, 2017

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

May 10, 2017-June 9, 2017

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Aug. 11, 2017

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Aug. 11, 2017-Sept. 11, 2017

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Dec. 4, 2017

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

Dec. 3, 2017, or later

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

2016 Lease Sales

This sale was postponed and will be combined with an upcoming sale.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

More Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interests

Feb. 2, 2015 N/A

Public Scoping

May 11, 2015-June 10, 2015

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Aug. 12, 2015-Sept. 11, 2015

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Nov. 13, 2015

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Nov. 13, 2015-Dec. 14, 2015

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results


Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  


Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interests

May 4, 2015 N/A

Public Scoping

Aug. 10, 2015-Sept. 9, 2015

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Nov. 12, 2015-Dec. 14, 2015

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Feb. 12, 2016

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Feb. 12, 2016-March 14, 2016

Protest period extended to March 29, 2016.

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

May 12, 2016

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

May 11, 2016

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

This sale has been postponed until August 2017.

Find all documents for the December lease sale here.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Cut-off for Accepting Expressions of Interest

Nov. 8, 2015 N/A

Public Scoping

Feb. 8, 2016-March 10, 2016

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

May 12, 2016-June 13, 2016

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Oct. 13, 2016

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Protests Received: 

Oct. 13, 2016-Nov. 14, 2016

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Dec. 8, 2016

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

2015 Lease Sales

2014 Lease Sales

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

More Info

Public Scoping

May 13, 2013-May 28, 2013

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 

Aug. 2, 2013-Sept. 3, 2013

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Nov. 15, 2013

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Nov. 15, 2013-Dec. 16, 2013

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Feb. 13, 2014

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

Feb. 12, 2013

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Important dates and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Public Scoping

Aug. 5, 2013-Aug. 20, 2013

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

Nov. 27, 2013-Dec. 30, 2013

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

March 14, 2014

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

March 14, 2014-April 14, 2014

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

June 12, 2014

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record

June 11, 2014

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

This lease sale was originally scheduled August 14, 2014. It was combined with later lease sales.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Public Scoping

Feb. 10, 2014-Feb. 25, 2014

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review

May 2, 2014-June 2, 2014

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Aug. 15, 2014

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Aug. 15, 2014-Sept. 14, 2014

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Nov. 13, 2014

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record  

Nov. 12, 2014

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

2013 Lease Sales

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Public Scoping

June 13, 2012-June 27, 2012

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

August 17, 2012-Sept. 18, 2012

The comment period for the parcels in Tres Rios was extended to Oct. 2.

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Addendum 1; Addendum 2; Addendum 3; Addendum 4; Addendum 5; Addendum 6; Addendum 7; Addendum 8

Nov. 16, 2012

North Fork Valley Timeline Fact Sheet

North Fork Valley Development Fact Sheet

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Nov. 16, 2012-Dec. 17, 2012

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Feb. 14, 2013

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

Feb. 13, 2013

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional info

Public Scoping

Sept. 5, 2012-June 19, 2012

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

Nov. 15, 2012-Dec. 17, 2012


Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Parcels in the White River Field Office were deferred.

Feb. 8, 2013

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Feb. 8, 2013-March 11, 2013

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

May 9, 2013

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

May 8, 2013

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Public Scoping

Dec. 3, 2012-Dec. 17, 2012

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

Parcels evaluated in the Grand Junction and Uncompahgre field offices for a two-week scoping period were held for additional analysis

Feb. 11, 2013-March 13, 2013

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

May 10, 2013

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

May 10, 2013-June 10, 2013

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Aug. 8, 2013

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

May 8, 2013

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

Public Scoping

Feb. 12, 2013-Feb. 26, 2013

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 

May 3, 2013-June 3, 2013


Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Aug. 16, 2013

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Aug. 16, 2013-Sept. 16, 2013

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Nov. 14, 2013

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

Nov. 13, 2013

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

2012 Lease Sales

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

Additional Info

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

Aug. 18 - Sept. 19, 2011

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Lease Sale Notice 

Nov. 10, 2011

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period


Nov. 10 - Dec. 12, 2011 

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Feb. 9, 2012

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

Feb. 8, 2012

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

LR2000 Lease Issuance Report


Report of the leases issued after the sale.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

More Info

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

Nov. 28 - Dec. 28, 2011

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Lease Sale Notice 

Feb. 10, 2012

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Feb. 10 - March 12, 2012

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

May 10, 2012

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

May 10, 2012

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

LR2000 Lease Issuance Report


Report of the leases issued after the sale.

Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

More Info

Public Scoping

Closed Feb. 9, 2012

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

Uncompahgre Field Office: March 7 - April 20, 2012

Grand Junction Field Office: Feb. 29 - March 30, 2012

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

May 11, 2012

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

May 11 - June 11, 2012

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

August 9, 2012

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

August 8, 2012

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

LR2000 Lease Issuance Report


Report of the leases issued after the sale.

 Public involvement periods and associated documents

Date(s) Available

More Info

Public Scoping

March 12 - March 26, 2012

Public scoping allows the public an opportunity to provide comments before the BLM develops the environmental analysis. Scoping comments are analyzed and incorporated into the EA as appropriate.

30-Day Public Review 
EA and Unsigned FONSI  

May 21 - June 22, 2012

Thirty-day public review and comment period for the lease sale Environmental Assessment and the unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact. Comments will be analyzed and incorporated into the environmental analysis as appropriate.

Sale Notice

Aug. 10, 2012

Notice of Competitive Lease Sale. Thirty-day lease sale protest period begins.    

Protest Period

Aug. 10 - Sept. 10, 2012

Lease sale protests received from the public during the 30-day protest period and the BLM's responses to the protests.  

Final Sale Results

Nov. 8, 2012

Summary of the lease sale results, including the total number and acreage of parcels sold and the net revenue (bonus bids, fees and first-year rentals) generated from the sale. 

EA, FONSI & Decision Record   

Nov. 7, 2012

Final lease sale EA with signed FONSI and Decision Record

LR2000 Lease Issuance Report


Report of the leases issued after the sale.

Right Sidebar Content: 


Gunnison Field Office
Tres Rios Field Office
Canyons of the Ancients

White River Field Office
Little Snake Field Office
Kremmling Field Office

San Luis Valley Field Office
Uncompahgre Field Office
Royal Gorge Field Office

Colorado River Valley Field Office
Grand Junction Field Office

Points of Contact

Courtney Whiteman
Public Affairs Specialist (media contact)

Rebecca Baca
Land Law Examiner

Rachel Vaughn
Land Law Examiner

Sean Hudak
Land Law Examiner