State, Tribal, and Local Plans & Grants
  • Photo collection: A historic Main Street, spires in need of repair on the National Cathedral, scaffolding on historic brownstone courthouse, two men engaged in preservation work, historic clock tower repaired

    State, Tribal, and Local Plans & Grants

    Cultural Resources National Park Service

Historic Preservation Fund Grants

The State, Tribal, and Local Plans & Grants (STLPG) division manages several grant programs to assist with a variety of historic preservation and community projects focused on heritage preservation. Below is a list of the Grant Programs managed by this division. Frequently, the program and designation of specific groups is managed outside of this division.

The HPF Manual details the requirements of all activities funded by the Historic Preservation Fund. The Grants listed below are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund, which was established is to help fund the programs engendered by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA; Public Law 89-665; 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) is legislation intended to preserve historical and archaeological sites in the United States of America. All HPF-assisted activities must meet standards set by the Secretary of the Interior. All grantees must comply with the audit requirements.

State Historic Preservation Office HPF Grants
Annual Matching Funds based on an apportionment formula to assist in expanding and accelerating State historic preservation activities.

In Fiscal Year 2014, Congress appropriated $500,000 to assist States, territories, and the District of Columbia in efforts to ensure that the legacy of traditionally underrepresented groups in heritage initiatives be recognized, preserved, and interpreted for future generations. From this appropriation, approximately 20 to 50 competitive grants will be available to State Historic Preservation Offices.

Tribal Historic Preservation Office Grants
The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) provides annually-appropriated funding to Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO) to protect and conserve important Tribal cultural and historic assets and sites. The grant funding assists them in executing their historic preservation programs and activities pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act and other relevant laws.

Tribal Heritage Grants (previously Tribal Project Grants)
Competitive matching grants to Federally recognized Indian tribes for cultural and historic preservation projects.

Civil Rights Grants
Competitive grants for FY 2016 African American Civil Rights Grants, which will document, interpret, and preserve the sites and stories related to the African American struggle to gain equal rights as citizens in the 20th Century.

Disaster Recovery Grants
Special appropriations assist communities following natural disasters with the hope of saving the remaining historic and cultural resources

Underrepresented Community Grants
Historic Preservation Fund special appropriation to increase the number of listings in the National Register of Historic Places associated with communities currently underrepresented, including communities including African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and LGBT Americans.
Save America's Treasures Authorized but not currently funded
A competitive matching grant program to fund bricks and mortar preservation and/or conservation work on nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts and historic structures and sites.

Preserve America Grant Program Authorized but not currently funded
A competitive matching grant program to fund designated Preserve America Communities to support preservation efforts through heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning. Although the grant program is not funded at this time, the Preserve America program continues to be active through the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Through the Advisory Council's program, a partnership between several federal agencies, communities may still apply for recognition as a Preserve America Community.

Japanese American Confinement Sites Grants
A competitive matching grant program to fund the preservation and interpretation of U.S. confinement sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War II. .

Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)
The Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Initiative for HBCUs was established to identify, and restore those historic structures on HBCU campuses considered to be the most historically significant and physically threatened. It was also established in direct response to the needs of many of the historically black colleges and universities, which faced critical rehabilitation needs, but lacked the resources to repair these buildings.