Appellate Briefs And Opinions

Third Party Intervention in Civil Rights Cases

  • United States v. City of Austin, et al. (5th Cir.) - Plaintiff-Appellee
    • Because appellants failed to establish a sufficient interest to support intervention, the district court did not abuse its discretion in denying intervention
    • The court of appeals does not have jurisdiction to hear a challenge by nonparties to the district court's approval of the decree
    • Even if the court of appeals addresses the validity of the decree, the district court did not abuse its discretion in approving the decree because it is fair, reasonable, and consistent with the law
    • The proposed intervenors' arguments in their second motion are, in large part, verbatim of arguments already rejected by the Fifth Circuit, and that the few new arguments are insufficient to satisfy any criteria for a stay
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion in denying a stay; appellants cannot satisfy any criteria for a stay; and there are no grounds for an expedited appeal
    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellee 04/21/15
    Court of Appeals Order 12/23/14
    Opposition to Renewed Motion to Stay 12/04/14
    Court of Appeals Order 10/22/14
    Opposition to Emergency Motion for a Stay and Expedited Appeal 10/20/14
  • Brumfield v. Louisiana State Board of Education (5th Cir.) - Intervenor-Appellee
    • The reporting order challenged on appeal is similar to a discovery order and cannot be appealed under 28 U.S.C. 1292(a)(1)
    • Alternatively, the United States need not show that the voucher program violates the law in order for the district court to require the State to report information regarding the voucher program under the Brumfield injunction
    • Movants have no interest in the proceedings that warrants their intervention, since the United States seeks only information regarding the program's effects
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision 11/10/15
    Brief as Intervenor-Appellee 02/19/15
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 749 F.3d 339 04/10/14
    Brief as Intervenor-Appellee 03/06/14
  • United States v. Diaz-Castro (1st Cir.) - Plaintiff-Appellee
    • The Court should dismiss Diaz-Castro's appeals because it lacks jurisdiction over the appeals and the appeals present no substantial question
    • The Court should deny his motion for a preliminary injunction pending appeal as moot and because it fails to satisfy the four-factor test for injunctions
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision 01/17/14
    Motion to Dismiss 12/20/13
    Response to Motion Seeking Injunction Pending Appeal 12/20/13
  • United States v. Territory of the Virgin Islands (3d Cir.) - Appellee
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion when it denied the motion to intervene on timeliness grounds and because the United States adequately represented the inmates' interests
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 748 F.3d 514 04/11/14
    Brief as Appellee 05/28/13
  • United States v. New Orleans (5th Cir.) - Plaintiff-Appellee
    • The would-be intervenors have not met the criteria for intervention as of right
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion in denying their motions for permissive intervention
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 540 F. App'x 380 09/27/13
    Brief as Appellee 02/19/13
  • United States v. New Jersey (3d Cir.) - Appellee
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion in denying the motion for intervention
    • The court of appeals does not have jurisdiction to hear a challenge by nonparties to the district court's approval of the consent decree
    Document Date 
    Certiorari Denied, reported at 134 S. Ct. 529 (United States waived response to the petition for a writ of certiorari) (S. Ct.) 11/04/13
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 522 F. App'x 167 06/13/13
    Brief as Appellee 01/23/13
  • United States v. California (9th Cir.) - Plaintiff-Appellee
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion in denying the motion for intervention on timeliness grounds
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 538 F. App'x 759 08/16/13
    Brief as Appellee 06/22/12
  • Benjamin v. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (3d Cir.) – Amicus
    • Properly understood, Olmstead establishes community placement as the default for people for whom community placement is appropriate but who cannot express a preference either for or against community placement
    • The class certified in this case meets the requirements of Rule 23
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 701 F.3d 938 12/12/12
    Brief as Amicus 04/05/12
  • Fisher & Mendoza v. Tucson Unified School District (9th Cir.) - Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee
    • Arizona's second motion for reconsideration is to be reviewed under an abuse of discretion standard and that the motion was properly denied
    • As Arizona lacks a significantly protectable interest in this case, the outcome of the case did not impair Arizona's ability to protect its interests
    • Arizona's interests were adequately represented
    • The motion was untimely
    • The district court failed to follow Supreme Court precedent governing termination of court oversight of a desegregation decree in reaching its decision to grant unitary status and terminate this case
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision 12/15/14
    Brief as Plaintiff-Intervenor-Appellee 11/13/13
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 652 F.3d 1131 07/19/11
    Brief as Plaintiff-Intervenor 04/29/11
  • United States v. New Jersey (3d Cir.) – Appellee
    • The district court did not err in denying intervention
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 373 F. App'x 216 04/01/10
    Brief as Appellee 11/18/09
  • United States v. New York Board of Elections & Nassau County Board of Elections (2d Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court was well within its discretion in denying the County intervention and that the new facts that arose following the United States' motion to enforce did not establish that the County has a cognizable interest in the litigation or that the State cannot adequately represent those interests
    • Nassau County has not met the four factors required to obtain a stay pending appeal
    • Nassau is bound by the district court's finding and Nassau's previous position that HAVA requires the replacement of New York State's lever machines
    • HAVA clearly prohibits the type of lever voting machine Nassau County wants to use
    Document Date 
    Order Denying Stay, Affirming Injunction, and Disposing Appeal 09/07/10
    Brief as Appellee 08/16/10
    Response Opposing Motion for Stay 07/01/10
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 312 F. App'x 353 04/15/08
    Letter Brief as Appellee 02/06/08
  • Keys v. United States & Covington County School District (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion by ruling that appellants' motion to intervene was untimely
    • Even if appellants' motion to intervene were timely, the district court correctly concluded that appellants are not entitled to intervention as of right
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 499 F.3d 464 09/05/07
    Brief as Appellee 02/16/07
  • Hollywood Community Synagogue & United States v. City of Hollywood (11th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court did not err in denying appellants' motion to intervene
    • Appellants cannot challenge the entry of the consent decree on the ground that the district court should first have held a hearing
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 254 F. App'x 769 11/20/07
    Brief as Appellee 10/25/06
  • United States v. Texas (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court had jurisdiction over this controversy
    • The district court properly allowed Hearne Independent School District to intervene in this action
    • This court should affirm the district court's injunction against TEA
    • This court should affirm the district court's injunction against Mumford Independent School District
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 457 F.3d 472 07/24/06
    Brief as Appellee 10/13/05
  • Graham & United States v. Evangeline Parish School Board (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Because intervention was properly denied, the appeal should be dismissed for lack of appellate jurisdiction
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 132 F. App'x 507 05/17/05
    Brief as Appellee 10/21/04
  • United States v. City of Detroit (6th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court correctly denied the Coalition's motion to intervene as of right
    • The Coalition is not entitled to permissive intervention
    Document Date 
    Dismissed 01/24/05
    Brief as Appellee 04/07/04
  • United States v. Macon County Board of Education (11th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Parent of former student has no right to appeal district court's approval of modification of a desegregation order
    • District court properly approved modification
    Document Date 
    Dismissed 02/12/02
    Brief as Appellee 12/13/01
  • United States v. Law School Admissions Council (3d Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Unsuccessful law school applicant properly denied intervention into case brought by United States to enforce ADA in admissions testing
    • Unsuccessful law school applicant properly denied intervention may not appeal from judgment in underlying case
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, available at 48 F. App'x 41 08/27/02
    Brief as Appellee 11/02/01
    Brief as Appellee 06/24/01
  • United States v. City of Los Angeles (9th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Community groups and private individuals are not entitled to intervene in a case in order to enforce the consent decree entered between the United States and the City of Los Angeles resolving allegations of systemic police misconduct
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 288 F.3d 391 04/22/02
    Brief as Appellee [HTML] [PDF] 07/27/01
  • United States v. City of Los Angeles (9th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Court of Appeals should deny the police union's motion for a stay pending its appeal of the district court's denial of its motion to intervene in the case between the United States and the City of Los Angeles regarding the operations of the Los Angeles Police Department
    • Police union was not entitled to intervene in case to challenge consent decree between the United States and City of Los Angeles to resolve allegations of systemic police misconduct when the consent decree imposed no obligations upon the union or its members and did not affect officers' collective bargaining rights
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 288 F.3d 391 04/22/02
    Brief as Appellee [HTML] [PDF] 06/04/01
    Court of Appeals Denial of Stay, unpublished  04/16/01
    Opposition to Stay [HTML] [PDF] 03/22/01
  • Davis and United States v. City of Baker School Board (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Newly-formed school district formerly part of district under desegregation order remains subject to the orders affecting the school system until it has met its burden of showing that its separation will not adversely affect desegregation
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, unpublished 03/08/01
    Brief as Appelle [HTML] [PDF] 07/31/00

Browse Briefs by Category

Affirmative Action
Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Constitutionality of Federal Statutes
Employment Discrimination (Race, National Origin, Sex, and Religion)
Equal Access to Justice Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Equal Protection Clause
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Institutionalized Persons
Police Misconduct (Civil Cases)
Religion Cases
Servicemember Cases
Third Party Intervention in Civil Rights Cases
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Updated November 12, 2015