The Legislature's newly redesigned website launches on November 1st. Click here for a video preview.


Minnesota Statutes, Laws, and Rules

Minnesota Statutes, Session Laws, and Rules are compiled by the Office of Revisor of Statutes.

Minnesota Statutes

Statutes are laws that apply to all citizens and cover a variety of topics. Read more...

Minnesota Session Laws

Session laws are acts that were passed during the legislative session. Read more...

Minnesota Rules

An administrative rule is a general statement adopted by an agency to make the law it enforces or administers more specific or to govern the agency's organization or procedure. Read more...

Minnesota Court Rules

The court rules are used in the Minnesota state courts. Read more...

Minnesota Constitution

For Minnesota Statutes compilations from prior years, please visit the Statutes archive page. Only the most current compilation of Minnesota Rules will be kept on this site. Minnesota Session Laws will be kept on this site indefinitely. See retention policy.