Partnering With NIAID

Addressing complex public health issues requires the combined efforts of government agencies, academic institu​tions, private-sector companies, and nonprofit organizations. Such partnerships help leverage resources, improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and increase the feasibility and scientific impact of the research. NIAID has a successful collaborative track record and continues to promote partnerships with domestic and international entities to advance research on infectious and immunologic diseases; to develop and test new methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment; and to accelerate the translation of research findings into medical products.

NIAID brings to each partnership a clearly articulated research mission; access to outstanding scientific expertise and resources, such as specimen repositories; competitive funding opportunities for research and research training; and opportunities to collaborate with scientists in NIAID laboratories.

NIAID partners typically contribute funds, expertise, and/or other resources that complement NIAID research efforts. Partners also may engage in project planning and implementation; contribute staff and research capacity; facilitate access to patient volunteers and other study populations; provide administrative, logistical, and clinical resources; and particularly in foreign countries, serve as liaisons to regional, national, and local government agencies and other organizations.

Types of Partnerships

Elements of a Successful Partnership

  • Shared scientific mission, interests, principles, standards, and leadership
  • Excellence in research conducted according to the highest ethical standards
  • Mutually defined goals and objectives for collaboration
  • Responsiveness to public health and medical needs and priorities
  • Agreement from the beginning on the contributions and expectations of all partners
  • Clear understanding of the study aims, benefits, and public health impact of the research collaboration for all stakeholders and study populations
  • Transparency and accountability
  • An environment of collegiality, trust, and respect
  • Ongoing and open communication, coordination, and integration of activities
  • Efficient and effective use of resources
Content last reviewed on October 18, 2010