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CHIPS Articles: Reducing Administrative Distractions

Reducing Administrative Distractions
A Letter from RDML Linda Wackerman to RAD Members
By RDML Linda Wackerman - May 27, 2015
Navy RAD Members,

Welcome back to the Reducing Administrative Distractions (RAD) initiative. You had previously supported the RAD effort through your participation in the Navy RAD site. This site had been dormant for a number of months, but has now been re-energized and integrated into a larger innovation network that supports the entire Department of the Navy (DON).

On 15 April 2015, the SECNAV announced his Innovation Agenda at the Sea-Air-Space Expo, and he directed his staff to establish a Naval Innovation Network. Within that network, he called for the DON workforce to be able to contribute and develop innovative ideas.

As a result, the existing RAD community has been successfully merged with the SECNAV's new Ideation Platform (The Hatch). The Hatch site has just been launched. Not only will you be able to provide ideas for reducing administrative distractions, but you will also be able to contribute other innovative ideas.

You will still be able to view previous rounds of RAD ideas by accessing the archived campaigns on the new site. Although in an “archived” location, these ideas are still considered active by the RAD Working Group and will receive a renewed focus. Your ideas are being reviewed, prioritized, and acted upon at all levels of the Navy, and your input will help to improve processes and technology to assist our sailors in focusing on warfighting first. Going forward, the status of RAD recommendations (new input as well as ideas from previous campaigns) will be posted on the NAVY RAD-Status group on milSuite. Once an account has been established, enter the RAD group.

If you previously used a social email address to participate in RAD, and you wish to continue contributing innovative ideas via the new Hatch site, you are required to replace that email address with a valid .mil,,,, or .gov email address. All email addresses must be updated by 1 June 2015. If a valid email address is not provided by 1 June 2015, your profile will be removed, and you will be required to re-register if you desire to contribute innovative ideas in the future. Please log in and edit your personal profile.

POCs for Navy RAD are CAPT Cheryl Locke, and LTJG Matthew Becker. You can also contact SECNAV’s Naval Innovation Network at .

I want to send my personal thanks for your previous participation in the RAD initiative, and we encourage you to apply your talents and ideas across the board on the DON’s new ideation site. Thank you in advance for your willingness to make a difference, and welcome to the Naval Innovation Network.

Challenge the force - Change the game!

RDML Linda Wackerman, OPNAV N81R and RAD Deputy

RDML Linda Wackerman, OPNAV N81R and RAD Deputy
RDML Linda Wackerman, OPNAV N81R and RAD Deputy
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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