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America's Career InfoNet
Skills Profiler
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Skills Profiler: Get Started

Use the Skills Profiler to create a list of your skills and match them to job types that need those skills. You can use this profile to identify occupations that use your current skills, find gaps you need to fill, or polish your resume. When your skills profile is complete, you can print it, or save it as a Microsoft Word, HTML or XML file, or as a Bookmark in your browser.
Plan to spend about 20 minutes completing your skills profile. If you need to leave the computer for more than an hour, you should save your work (learn how).

You have two options for getting started:
Start with a job type
Find skills you need for a current or future job. Then rate your own skills to find job types that best match your skills.

Start with your skills
If you are not sure what kind of job is right for you, start by rating your own skills and then find job type that matches