Clinical-Community Relationships Measures (CCRM) Atlas

The Clinical-Community Relationships Measures (CCRM) Atlas was developed to identify ways to further define, measure, and evaluate programs based on clinical-community relationships for the delivery of clinical preventive services. The CCRM Atlas provides a measurement framework and listing of existing measures of clinical-community relationships, and is intended to support research and evaluation in the field.

Clinical-Community Relationships Measures (CCRM) Atlas [ PDF file - 1.88 MB]

Prepared for:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

Contract No. HHSA290-2010-000021
Prism Order No. HHSA29032003T
Task Order 3

Prepared by:

Rockville, MD

Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN)
Portland, OR


Chris Dymek, EdD, Westat
Maurice Johnson, Jr., MPH, Westat
Russ Mardon, PhD; Westat
Susan Hassell, MS, MPH. Westat
Deborah Carpenter, RN, MSN, CPHQ, PMP, Westat
Paul McGinnis, MPA, ORPRN
David Buckley, MD, MPH, ORPRN
Lyle Fagnan, MD; ORPRN


   Jumpstart Guide: A Tool to Navigate the Atlas
1. Why Was the Clinical-Community Relationships Measures Atlas Developed?
   1.1 Purpose
   1.2 Intended Audience
   1.3 Scope
   1.4 An Emerging Field
2. What Is a Clinical-Community Relationship?
   2.1 Examples of Clinical-Community Relationships
   2.2 Difference Between Care Coordination and Clinical-Community Relationships
   2.3 The Role of Public Health in Clinical-Community Relationships
3. What Is the Clinical-Community Relationships Measurement Framework?
   3.1 Overview of the Measurement Framework
   3.2 The Context of the Measurement Framework
   3.3 The Foundation of the Measurement Framework
     3.3.1 Expanded Bridging Model
     3.3.2 Types of Measurement Domains
   3.4 Contents of the Measurement Framework
     3.4.1 Elements of the Measurement Framework
     3.4.2 Relationships Among Elements of the Measurement Framework
4. How Do Existing Measures of Clinical-Community Relationships Align with the Measurement Framework?
   4.1 Measure Mapping Table
   4.2 Master Measure Mapping Table
   4.3 How to Select a Measure—The Measure Selection Guide
     4.3.1 An Example of How to Use the Guide
5. What Are the Existing Measures of Clinical-Community Relationships?
   Web Sites
Appendix A. USPSTF Clinical Preventive Services Included in the Measurement Framework
Appendix B. National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™ Data Sources
Appendix C. Environmental Scan Process
Appendix D. Clinical-Community Relationships Measures Instruments
   Safety Check Parental/Guardian Post-Visit Survey
   Safety Check Practitioner Post-Visit Survey
   Wrap-Around Observation Manual—Second Version
   Alzheimer's Service Coordination Program (ASCP) Physician Survey
   Continuity of Care Practices Survey—Practice Level [CCPS-P]
   Capacity for Chronic Disease Management in General Practice Research Study Practice Profile Interview—Linkages with External Organisations of Providers (GP-LI) 109

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Page last reviewed March 2013
Page originally created March 2013
Internet Citation: Clinical-Community Relationships Measures (CCRM) Atlas. Content last reviewed March 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.