Ponzimonium: How Scam Artists Are Ripping Off America (ePub eBook)

Ponzimonium: How Scam Artists Are Ripping Off America (ePub eBook)

Agency Publisher: U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
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GPO Stock Number: 666-080-00001-1 ISBN: 9780160890802
Price: $0.00
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***Download IMMEDIATELY through this page.***  Ponzimonium: How Scam Artists Are Ripping Off America, the award-winning CFTC book on infamous con artists and their investment frauds and how consumers can protect themselves from them, is now available as a FREE EPUB eBook via immediate download through this page on the US Government Bookstore or from selected third party eBooksellers such as Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble NOOK Bookstore, Google Play eBookstore, Powell’s Books, Waterstones (UK), and more.

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Please check out our Crime, Scams, and Fraud, collection at this link: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/catalog/security-defense-law-enforcement/crimes-scams-fraud


Fortunately, more than ever before, con artists are being apprehended and prosecuted.  Federal, state and local law enforcement officials have reported enormous increases in tips and criminal activity since the economic calamity began in 2008.  Cash redemptions are dangerous for Ponzi schemes, because when the money runs out, folks start talking.  For example, at any one time, enforcement staff at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) are investigating anywhere between 750 and 1,000 individuals or entities for various violations of the law.  Increases in tips and fraud cases have also occurred at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in the states, and various localities around the world.

The compelling stories in this book are actual CFTC cases stemming from investigations that began with the economic downturn. These are real cases, real fraudsters, with unfortunately . . . very real victims.  While, the fundamental nature of the writing in such files is, as you would imagine, very bureaucratic:  this script is anything but bureaucratic. Filled with details, the cases even show photos of ill-gotten gains of the criminals.

NOTE: Extremely valuable to consumers and investors are the consumer investment resources at the end of the book: Investors’ Bill of Rights, Red Flags of Fraud, Resources and Investor Checklist which advise consumers what to watch out for to avoid being scammed themselves.

Author and CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton has worked in public service for over a quarter of a century and has found that one of the most important things that can be done is to make government less puzzling and perplexing, less mysterious, and yes, less bureaucratic.  While Commissioner Chilton can’t say there has been any monumental change in how folks see their government, over the years, Commissioner Chilton continues to try and do his part by communicating in a way that lets folks “in” on what is going on.  This writing is an effort to continue that work.  Commissioner Chilton hopes it will be a satisfying read, but more importantly, maybe some folks will avoid the tremendous tragedy that so many of our fellow citizens have endured.


About the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

[Specific Fraud Cases:]

  • No Client will Ever Lose a Penny
  • A Friend To Fraud
  • We Want You to Get to Know Us
  • Ossie: An Extraordinary Liar
  • The Un-Coolest Guy in the Room
  • It Was Just a Loan!
  • I’m a Believer
  • The Magician
  • A Car to Match Every Outfit
  • An Unfortunate Loss

Investors’ Bill of Rights
Red Flags of Fraud
Investor Checklist

Keywords: free publication; Free eBook; FREE;

Other resources relating to crimes, scams, and fraud can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/catalog/security-defense-law-enforcement/crime...

Product Details

GPO Stock Number:
Availability Details:
In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)
USA Price:
International Price:
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Bart Chilton
2012: 90 pgs
Key Phrases:
Business and Economics-Investments and Securities
True Crime-Hoaxes and Deceptions
Business and Economics-Personal Finance-Investing
Ponzi schemes - Investment fraud
SuDocs Class:
0 lb.
Quantity Price:
Subject Bibliography:
Unit of Issue (U.S.):
Item Available Date:
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Reviews & More About this Product

BOOK REVIEWS for "Ponzimonium"

1) Government Book Talk blog reviews "Ponzimonium" in:

2) From T. Kirby, on Amazon, April 27, 2012:

5/5 Stars! "Equal Parts Alarming & Informative"

Great read to understand the frauds that are happening next door. Nice emphasis on the importance of educating yourself before making investment decisions. Suitable for the casual investor to finance professional.

3) Excerpt of a review in Opalesque Futures Intelligence on January 13, 2012:

On balance the book is well written, typically focusing on retail investors.  However, nuggets of wisdom can be found for the professional investor.  Primary educational messages in the book include advice that investors not invest in un-regulated entities or individuals who trade unregulated markets and investors conduct background checks of managers before investing.

In a particularly interesting story that received national media attention, Chapter Five profiles the activities of Charles Hays, who doctored actual statements from legitimate Futures Commission Merchant Dorman Trading to perpetrate his fraud.  Chapter Six tells the story of Darren Potter, who cleverly categorized investments in his program as "loans" and was ironically victim of a Ponzi scheme himself.

Many of the stories carry basic messages to which astute professional investors would likely know to avoid.  This incldues stories of investors being guaranteed profits and ponzi scam artists exhibiting overly strong performance through all market environments.  If professional investors wished to skip the dramatic stories, they could travel right to page 53 where the "Investor Bill of Rights."  This section advises investors to question managed futures fund investments that include significant fund lock-up clauses, do not properly explain obligations and fund expenses, require additional investment capital at a future point in time and have not appropriately disclosed all risks.

After the Bill of Rights, investors can continue right to the "Red Flags of Fraud" on page 57.  While many of the red flags are basic, some of the more sophisticated flags include the fund's need for secrecy, fees and expenses are not clear, the investment has abnormal methods of accepting investments and conducting independent research on the fund is difficult.

Overall the book is strong, however, one might have wanted a discussion of the differences between a fund structure and direct account investment and perhaps questioning as to why managed future funds require total secrecy while the direct account offers total transparency.


From CFTC.gov: 

Bart Chilton was first nominated by President Bush and confirmed as Commissioner by the U.S. Senate in 2007. In 2009, he was re-nominated by President Obama and reconfirmed by the Senate. Chilton has served as the CFTC’s Chairman of the Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee (EEMAC). His career spans 25 years in government service: working on Capitol Hill in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, and serving in the Executive Branch during the Clinton, Bush and Obama Administrations. During that time, he served as a Senior Advisor to U.S. Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic Leader of the United States Senate, and as the Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman.

Commissioner Chilton has been a vocal consumer advocate and proponent of thoughtful regulatory reform. He has often been a lone voice on the Commission for policies to rein in speculative interests and impose position limits to avoid excessive trading concentration. Many of the issues he fought for over the years became law as part of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act signed by President Obama in July of 2010. The Commissioner is a frequent opinion/editorial writer who has been published hundreds of times in national and international publications. He is often quoted in news stories and appears regularly on financial and business television programs in the U.S. and abroad.

Congress created the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in 1974 as an independent agency with the mandate to regulate commodity futures and option markets in the United States.The CFTC's mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, abusive practices and systemic risk related to derivatives that are subject to the Commodity Exchange Act, and to foster open, competitive, and financially sound markets.