
Our Team
Triple Pundit has over 35 active correspondents and a veritable army of occasional and guest contributors. We are critical optimists who write about the creation and development of sustainable organizations, brands, and business cultures – innovative solutions that make business better.

3p writers come from all walks of life including business leaders who share their perspectives from the field to journalists who cover the Triple Bottom Line full time.

Are you a business writer? Want to join our team?

If so, please get in touch with us. Please provide us with a few writing samples, preferably links to published material, and describe your level of experience with online media. We typically ask for a commitment of 3-5 posts per week, but can make other arrangements depending on your level of experience and interests. We provide competitive compensation in addition to traffic bonuses.

Guest Posting

We also frequently offer guest posting opportunities for thought leaders, corporate executives and other organization representatives. These represent an excellent way to lead conversation on issues that matter for your organization or business as well as to give our diverse readership a chance to hear about you.

Subjects that we’re particularly interested in include: Green Jobs/Economy, Social Entrepreneurship, Health Care Issues, CSR and Corporate Leadership. An article should be a minimum of 500 words and must be exclusively submitted to 3p.

If accepted, we still require guest postings to go through our normal editorial procedures and will likely reject overly self-promotional pieces, though it’s fine to talk about who you are and what you do. Please use the contact form below to let us know you’re interested and we’ll get in touch with you about getting your article published.

Are you a student or professor in a business or journalism program?

We are eager to collaborate with schools on group blogging projects for students with an interest in writing and a solid grasp of Triple Bottom Line business thinking. We also offer writing internships.  If you would like to work with 3p on a business writing project, please get in touch with us.

Some of the schools we have recently worked with are: Saybrook University, The University of Kansas, California College of the Arts and The Presidio Graduate School.

Guest author & academic questions form

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.