Maps & Publications


Interactive Visitor Map: Try the new Interactive Visitor Map to locate roads, campgrounds, and other recreation sites on your favorite national forest or grassland.

Forest and Grassland Visitor Maps: Visitor maps for each national forest and grassland provide information on attractions, facilities, services, and recreation opportunities. These maps are available to purchase from individual forests, the National Forest Map Store and many retail outlets.

Topographic Maps: Topographic Maps provide the greatest level of detail and only cover small portions of a forest. These maps are available to purchase from the US Geological Survey, many individual forests, and many retail outlets.

Geographic Information System (GIS) Data: Raw, processed data used for creating geospatial maps. Visit our Northern Region Geospatial Library for more information.


Several types of brochures, maps, Recreational Opportunity Guides (ROGS), and other materials are provided to the public by the Forest Service in areas such as recreation, sightseeing, wilderness, wildlife, vegetation, fire,campgrounds, cabin and lookout rentals, maps, firewood permits, Christmas tree permits, employment, hiking trails, and other Forest Service information is provided at local Forest Service Ranger District or Supervisor's Office.


At your local office we have a variety of brochures and literature providing regional and local information on campgrounds, travel, natural resources, National Historic Trails, cabin rentals, and much much more.

Teachers may be interested to note that we also provide Environmental Resources information.

The local information desk also stocks a variety of children's activity books and fun give-away items just for kids.

 Please come and see our selection of posters depicting wildflowers (example below), bugs, mushroom types, animal tracks, bird nests, and many more.

We try to stock as many brochures as possible, but some are popular and we may be temporarily out. Some examples of those we may have available at your local Forest Supervisor's or Ranger District office are:

A Guide to Your National Forests (includes United States map of all Forest Service Regions)

On The Right Trail - An Ethical Guide for OHV Riders

For Smokey's Friends, a coloring book.

A Guide to Your Northern Region National Forests (includes map)

Graphic of several brochuree covers

Photograph of a small stream with rocks and flowers nearby.


During Celebrating Wildflowers week, we have native flower seeds for your enjoyment to plant at home as a reminder of your visit to the Northern Region's National Forests.

We also have available for purchase, a selection of hiking guides, wildflower and bird guide books and so much more.

 Graphic of a few different kids brochures


Please visit some of our partners for more map and travel information:

Travel Montana

Travel Idaho

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

South Dakota Dept. of Game, Fish and Parks

North Dakota Game and Fish