State of Alaska
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Special Status Species

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Short-tailed albatross

When a population of a fish or wildlife species falls too low, the population may be at increased risk from a catastrophic event or disease outbreak, the lack of suitable mates, or other threats. If threats to the population are not adequately controlled, the population may eventually go extinct. To conserve populations and prevent extinctions from occurring, the State of Alaska and the United States government maintain lists of potentially vulnerable species that meet the legal definitions of threatened and endangered species under state and federal law. Species on these lists are protected by regulatory provisions and other conservation measures. The lists help educate and inform people about vulnerable species, and help fish and wildlife managers prioritize their conservation funds and efforts.


The State of Alaska maintains lists of special status fish and wildlife species:


The United States government is responsible for the determination and conservation of endangered and threatened fish, wildlife, and plants listed under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The following lists include species in Alaska listed under the ESA.


Some species that used to spend part or all of their time in Alaska no longer exist anywhere in the world; they are now extinct.