
Substance Search

Manage Substance allows you to find substance records in SRS using three search criteria. The Manage Substance Search differs from the basic Substance Search in that you can request edits to substances. Because of the substantial amount of data in SRS, the search will only return results that have fewer than 1500 matches to allow for quick results.

Users may search on the following criteria:

  • Synonym
  • Substance Identifier
  • Substance Type

From the Search Results page, you may click on a link to go directly to the substance details page that contains information about that substance.

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Search by List

Search by List allows you to find lists of substances based on statutes, systems, or other criteria. You can also add additional criteria to only display certain substances within the list.

A list is comprised of substances and associated metadata pertaining to a particular subject or topic.

The Search Results page displays all substances that match the search query. Because of the substantial amount of data in SRS, the search will only return results that have fewer than 1500 matches to allow for quick results. All lists can also be exported to Excel. Clicking on the list name will open the list’s metadata. Clicking a substance or synonym will open the specific substance’s or synonym’s details page.

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Advanced Search

Use the advanced search to create a customized search. To search, select a Criteria Type and a Criteria. For searches using Criteria Types: Classification, Characteristic, or Reason for Regulation, select the Criteria from the drop down box. You may add the additional qualifiers of Contains, Begins With, Exact Match, and Exact Match (case sensitive) to further define results. For searches using Criteria Type: List Name, use the Filter button to narrow the choices in the text box after selecting the criteria type from the drop down box.

You must select either the "Add Expression AND" or the "Add Expression OR" button before selecting the Search button or before selecting a new Criteria Type and Criteria. "Add Expression AND" states the two linked search criteria must both be found in the results. "Add Expression OR" states that either of the two linked criteria should be in the results. Because of the substantial amount of data in SRS, the search will only return results that have fewer than 1500 matches to allow for quick results.

You may search on the following Criteria Types:

  • Synonym
  • Substance Name
  • List Name
  • CAS Number
  • TSN
  • EPA Identification Number
  • Alternate Identifier
  • Classification
  • Characteristic
  • Reason for Regulation
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Search by PMN & Accession Numbers

Use this search to retrieve PMN and Accession Numbers as well as their Generic Names and EPA Inventory Flags.

Users may search on the following criteria:

  • Generic Name (Contains, Begins With, Exact Match)
  • Identifier (Contains, Begins With, Exact Match)
  • EPA Inventory Flag
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Exporting Search Results

The user has the option to export the results of any search in the file types RTF, XML, HTML, or PDF.

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