
SUBJECT:   Public Notification Requirements: Lead Notice/
             Consecutive Systems

SOURCE:    Ray Enyeart

Do consecutive public water systems have to furnish a special lead notice in accordance with 40
CFR Section 141.34 (located at 52 FR 41549)?


       A consecutive public water system is a public water system which receives water from
       another public water system(s) that is subject to regulation under the National Primary
       Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs). In addition, note that those consecutive water
       systems that meet all four criteria set forth in SDWA Section 1411 (also located at 40
       CFR Section 141.3) are not subject to the NPDWRs.  Therefore, such consecutive
       systems are not subject to the special lead notice requirements, which are part of the

       There is one other situation in which a  consecutive system is not required to issue a
       special lead notice.  The special lead notification requirements apply to all those public
       water systems that are Community Water Systems (CWS) and Non-Transient Non-
       Community Water Systems (NTNCWS)  [see 40 CFR Section 141.34(a)].  The issuance
       of a special lead notice by a public water system "...is not required if the system
       demonstrates to the state that the water system, including the residential and non-
       residential portions connected to the water system, are lead free."  [40 CFR Section

       An important statement providing further clarification, with  respect to the special lead
       notice, is set forth in the preamble of the final rule [52 FR 41544]:

             "EPA expects the owner or operator of a public water system
             which is subject to the public notification requirements for lead,
             and which provides water to another community or non-transient
             non-community water system, to provide one-time notice by letter
             to the receiving system. The receiving system, in turn, must
             provide its customers public notice concerning lead in compliance
             with the lead public notification requirements." [emphasis added].

       In summary, those public water systems that are CWS and NTNCWS, including such
       consecutive public water systems, are required to issue the special lead notice. Those
       public water systems (including consecutive systems) that meet the four SDWA Section
       1411 criteria, and/or meet the conditions  set forth in 40 CFR Section 141.32(a)(2), are not
       required to issue the special lead notice.

