WSG 116
                                                            Date Signed: March 23, 1999


SUBJECT:    Safeguarding Latitude/Longitude Data in SDWIS/FED Database

FROM:       Janet L. Auerbach, Chief
              Information Management Branch

TO:          Regional Branch Chiefs,
              Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
              EPA Regions I - X

       The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with information about recent
Agency safeguards concerning access and/or receipt of latitude/longitude data maintained in
information management systems.  Utilities have raised concerns to OGWDW about national
security implications of making information in SDWIS/FED on the exact location of source
water intakes readily available on the Internet. The Agency's critical infrastructure plan also
identifies this area as one of concern. OGWDW has responded to these concerns by
implementing the policy discussed below.

       To ensure that SDWIS/FED latitude/longitude data is kept safeguarded, we have taken
the following measures:

Access to Latitude/longitude Table in SDWIS/FED

1.  Before your staff authorizes access, they should request and receive justification for why
access is needed (See attached "OGWDW Latitude/Longitude Application Form" currently
being used by OGWDW).  When you send the requestor the application form, please also send
the attached paragraph explaining the sensitivity of the information. The application form may
be modified for your regional ADP Coordinator's use and record keeping. Please be aware that
my staff will grant access for only 30 days.

       Any justification which the requestor submits will be accepted.  The procedure is
intended to educate the user to the sensitivity of the information and limit impromptu access
rather than  establish a subjective approval process.

NOTE: This procedure does not apply  to Federal, State and OGWDW Contractor Support
Personnel.  These persons have automatically been given unlimited access.

Dissemination of Latitude/longitude Data in SDWIS/FED

1.  Requests for latitude/longitude data under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), need to
follow the same procedures. Please send an interim response asking requesters to provide
justification for why data is needed.


                                                                              WSG 116

2. EPA will not put latitude/longitude data on Envirofacts or any other web site.

       As part of the process, we are asking the regions to follow the same security procedures
listed above. Therefore, please pass this memorandum to the ADP Coordinators, the
SDWIS/FED Coordinators within your region and other persons handling FOIA requests.

       With much effort on the parts of both the program, regional and The National Computer
Center, I believe we have taken positive steps to prevent data vulnerabilities.  I ask for your full
support in implementing these actions that are necessary to safeguard drinking water intakes
around the country.

       If you have any questions regarding these initiatives, I may be reached on (202) 260-
5274 or contact Towana Dorsey on (202) 260-2805.


                                                                               WSG 116
                                                      Attachment 1
       This is a United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) computer system,
and the information contained in it may be accessed and used for official Government business
or by use of authorized persons. You have been given specific authorization to receive
latitude/longitude information contained in this database. Unauthorized access or use of
latitude/longitude information may subject violators to criminal, civil and/or administrative
action. You may not share these data with users who have not received their own authorization
to use it.

       Latitude/longitude data are sensitive and must be used with extreme care. Please
aggregate or generalize data wherever possible. Please avoid making public specific locational

       Your password is good for 30 days beginning (insert today's date). You will need to re-
apply at least 2 weeks prior to the lapse date if you wish access after 30 days from (today's date).
You will not receive notice that your password is about to lapse.

                                                           WSG 116

Latitude/Longitude Application Form
This form is a request to the ADP Coordinator, Office of Ground Water
and Drinking Water for Obtaining Drinking Water Facility
Latitude/Longitude Information from the Safe Drinking Water
Information System (SDWIS/FED).
Please provide justification for why you need access to water facility
latitude/longitude data maintained in the SDWIS/FED Database.

                                                           WSG 116
Please submit form to:
Attention:      Towana J. Dorsey
               ADP Coordinator, OGWDW
               MC: 4606
Telephone:     (202) 260-2805
Fax:           (202)401-3041
Internet:        dorsev.towana@epamail.epa.gov
Access Granted:
               Towana J. Dorsey, ADP Coordinator, OGWDW


Note: Access will be granted for 30 days from the effective date. Users
should notify EPA of their need to continue using the information before
the date of expiration.

Effective Date:	
User I.D.       	Password:
