NETL Research


One of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) three strategic goals contained in the DOE's 2014-2018 Strategic Plan is to advance foundational science, innovate energy technologies, and inform data driven policies that enhance US economic growth and job creation, energy security, and environmental quality. DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory contributes to this strategic goal through cutting-edge research and development focused on efficient energy use and clean energy production from our nation's domestic fossil fuels resources. Advanced technologies provide policymakers with expanded options for meeting vital national energy, environmental, and security needs.

Computer rendered pile of coal


How will our nation secure tomorrow's energy supplies? Domestic coal, oil, and natural gas resources are a fundamental part of the equation. NETL is advancing cost-effective technologies for finding and producing domestic fossil energy resources, while meeting requirements to protect the environment. 

Energy Systems | Capture/Compression | Storage
Major Demonstrations | Crosscutting Research | Rare Earth Elements

Computer rendered land oil rig

Oil and Gas

Oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of our economy, accounting for more than 60 percent of the energy consumed in the United States. To meet projected demand, our nation has a vital interest in ensuring that competitively priced domestic natural gas and oil remain part of the U.S. energy portfolio for decades to come. 

Natural Gas Resources | Natural Gas Infrastructure | Deepwater Technology | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Methane Hydrate


Onsite Research

NETL onsite research and development collaborates with industrial and academic partners to solve problems that would otherwise become barriers to commercializing power systems, fuels, and environmental and waste management technologies. To achieve these goals, NETL offers a variety of R&D partnership options for academic and private-sector organizations. 

Research Portfolio | Research Capabilities | Internships

Abstract graph shown used to compare data points

Energy Analysis

A variety of NETL energy analysis studies are being used to identify promising research and development opportunities that will enable economic sustainability, energy supply security, and technology solutions that mitigate global climate change and improve environmental performance.

About | Search Publications | Analytical Tools & Data | Baseline Studies | Life Cycle Analysis | Quality Guidelines |  Technology Focus Area | Analysis Focus Area

Line of large, power-generating windmills

Energy Efficiency

DOE invests in R&D to increase energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes, as well as to accelerate development of renewable energy options. NETL supports DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in managing research partnerships.

Smart Grid Energy | Power & Vehicles | Energy Efficient Buildings

EDX Energy Data Exchange Logo

Energy Data Exchange (EDX)

The Energy Data eXchange (EDX) is an online collection of capabilities and resources that advance research and customize energy-related needs. EDX is developed and maintained by NETL researchers and technical computing teams to support private collaboration for ongoing research efforts, and tech transfer of finalized DOE NETL research products.

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