BLM employee explores the California coast with four children. BLM photo

Youth and Educators

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Junior Ranger Program

Three students study wildlife biology. BLM photoBLM’s Junior Ranger program for youth and educators provides opportunities for young people to connect to the natural world and their cultural heritage.

Our vision for education and youth programs is that young people, engaged from an early age in learning and recreation on the public lands, become the next generation of conservation stewards and leaders.  

Through our work with community and recreation partners, we encourage kids and families to spend time playing and exploring outdoors. BLM public lands encompass millions of acres where young people can pursue healthy recreational activities, spend time with friends and family, nurture their curiosity about plants and animals, and discover clues to our country’s past.

Learn more about the Junior Ranger program and activities.

Outdoor Classrooms

BLM lands have been called “America’s big backyard,” and they are great places to play. But they could also be called “America’s largest classroom.” BLM’s vast natural, historical, and archaeological resources offer hands-on educational experiences that bring classroom learning to life. Professional development opportunities for teachers help to ensure that students come to understand the interconnections among people, cultural heritage, and the natural world.

Learn about our outdoor classroms for youth and professional opportunities for educators:

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For Teachers

Investigate public lands through our searchable database of standards-based activities, units, and comprehensive curricula at