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water flows down at Bruneau River

BLM Idaho Water Program

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is responsible for employing environmental protection laws and programs across the state. BLM partners with DEQ to assure that Idaho’s surface, ground and drinking water resources meet state water quality standards. To do this, BLM has the following responsibilities: 

o Follow water quality standards that protect public health and welfare, enhance the quality of water on BLM managed lands and meet the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act.
o Monitor and assess levels of pollutants in surface waters like rivers and streams and report on surface water quality.
o Work with the state, communities, industry and citizens to develop and implement water quality improvement plans.
o Work with public heath districts to protect the quality of public drinking water by assisting public drinking water systems to comply with state requirements, conducting sampling surveys and on-site visits.
o Protect ground water from pollution.