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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

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People and Locations at West Lafayette, Indiana

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Location Support Staff (3 people)

Home Page: Midwest Area

  • Cooley, Danielle
    (765) 494-5607
    Purchasing Agent

  • Harrison, Miles
    (765) 494-6175
    Student Trainee (Computer)

  • Ramey, Dawn
    (765) 494-5606
    Budget and Account Technician (Office Automation)

Crop Production and Pest Control Research (21 people)

Home Page: Crop Production and Pest Control Research

National Soil Erosion Research (14 people)

Home Page: National Soil Erosion Research

Livestock Behavior Research (8 people)

Home Page: Livestock Behavior Research

Last Modified: 8/12/2016
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