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  2. Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG)

Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG)


The Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) is a NASA organization established under the auspices of NASA Headquarters in 2004. The chartered role of the ESDSWG focuses on the exploration and development of recommendations derived from pertinent community insights of NASA's heterogeneous and distributed Earth science data systems.

ESDSWG is comprised of working groups organized around key technology and information system issues. Each working group functions independently establishing their own work plans on germane data system issues and topics. ESDSWG members are drawn from a broad range of NASA-funded science and technology projects, NASA information technology experts, affiliated contractor staff and other interested community members from academia and industry.

  • ESDSWG Manager: Mark Mcinerney, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • ESDSWG Coordinator: Steve Olding, Goddard/Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)

What Working Groups Do

  • Provide expert advice: Working groups make recommendations to the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project for decision making and prioritization purposes.
  • Problem solving: Working groups address various challenges, issues, and opportunities in response to Earth Science Data System (ESDS) Program priorities and community-identified needs.
  • Efficiency improvement: Working groups develop guidelines and best practices that address the practical implementation of standards and technologies, enhance data interoperability, and improve software development and software architecture practices.

Working Group Formation

Working groups are formed, renewed, and retired on an annual cycle based around the ESDSWG annual meeting. Working groups typically operate for a minimum one-year term but may be renewed for additional one year terms with the concurrence of the ESDSWG community. Each working group will have an action plan that defines specific objectives, stakeholders, activities, and deliverables. Once a working group's objectives have been met, its activities completed, and its deliverables have been finalized, the working group will be retired and its members move on to other working group activities.

2019-2020 Working Groups

Cloud Analytics Reference Architecture
The 2018 Cloud Analytics, Cloud UX and Analysis Ready Data working groups have combined due to overlap in research areas. The group will focus on specific components of the cloud experience, such as workflow management, analytics-optimized data stores, and relevant standards and conventions required to connect the components coherently, with an emphasis on developing an experimentation platform for rapid prototyping using multi-source data.

Community Systems Integration
This group seeks to increase integration within the ESDS community ecosystem. They will explore ways in which NASA systems can be integrated with each other and with systems and discuss how ESDIS can facilitate these integrations. There will be a special emphasis on the integration of current ACCESS projects.

Data Product Developer's Guide
This working group has developed a Data Product Developer’s Guide to help data product developers increase usability for end users. The guide (already in version 0.1) will be published before the end of this year.

Dataset Interoperability
The Dataset Interoperability Working Group is a continuing working group with the goal of increasing interoperability of NASA Earth observations (typically in HDF format) with other data sets and models.

Prior accomplishments to guide NASA dataset interoperability efforts include:

  • A practical definition of dataset interoperability;
  • Working requirements and tests for interoperability; and
  • Recommendations of metadata practices/extensions to harmonize conventions with HDF capabilities.

The group will continue to identify best practices to bridge or reduce gaps between various HDF and netCDF geoscience data sets, and to ensure NASA data discoverability, maintainability and extensibility using CF, ISO, and ACDD conventions.

Large Mission Scale Data
This working group will consider challenges related to supporting science for large mission-scale analysis projects. This group will recommend best practices for accessing and working with large data sets within the NASA cloud/multi-cloud and middleware environment. They will also explore best practices for the import/access of non-NASA datasets into the NASA cloud and middleware environment. The group will document experiences and perform an analysis of available architectures.

Read more about the work of ESDSWG.

Page Last Updated: Feb 25, 2020 at 11:21 AM EST