DSAC Member Portal

DSAC's strategic collaboration with the private sector enhances communication and promotes effective exchange of information in order to prevent, detect, and investigate criminal acts, particularly those affecting interstate commerce, while advancing the ability of the U.S. private sector to protect its employees, assets, infrastructure, and proprietary information. The DSAC Member Portal supports this mission by providing timely, actionable, and relevant information to our members.


Department of Homeland Security

Since 2008, the Department of Homeland Security has partnered with the Domestic Security Alliance Council. Together, FBI and DHS continue to engage in meaningful dialogue with our private sector partners to protect the people of the United States, and its interests.


Insider Threat

Visit our new Insider Threat page for details on behavioral indicators of malicious corporate insiders and tips on how to safeguard your company’s trade secrets. Log into the portal for additional information and resources.


Business E-Mail Compromise

A sophisticated scam known as the business e-mail compromise is costing companies worldwide millions of dollars. Learn ways to protect your companies.

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Integrated Analyst Symposium in Cincinnati, Ohio

From May 2-5, 2016, DSAC will be conducting an Integrated Analyst Symposium training course in Cincinnati, Ohio hosted by Procter & Gamble.

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) is a strategic partnership between the U.S. Government and U.S. Private Industry. Its goal is to advance the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) mission of preventing, detecting, and deterring criminal acts by facilitating strong, enduring relationships among its private industry members, FBI Headquarters, FBI Field Offices, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Headquarters and Fusion Centers, and other federal entities.

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From the EWG

Your Executive Working Group (EWG), along with the DSAC Program Office (DPO) and FBI executive leadership, continue to partner on several key initiatives that will continue the momentum of this year of growth for DSAC. In 2015, DSAC saw a 24% jump in membership from 297 to 367 member companies as we work to create a diverse membership that represents all sectors and takes into account large and mid-size companies. The DPO worked to improve the user experience and functionality of the portal and streamlined the membership on-boarding process.  As we approach the end of 2015, we are proud of the 2015 Annual Conference and look forward to this year’s gathering on 20-21 April in Washington, DC—we hope to see you there! 

Here is a quick note from your Committee Chairs. Tim Murphy, Deputy Private Sector Co-Chair and I would like to welcome Kevin Lampeter from HSBC to his new position as Chair of the Strategic Planning & Operations Committee and Mark Bullock from Commonwealth Edison as Chair of the Governance & Nominating Committee.  Kevin and Mark have been great additions to the EWG and both bring a wealth of experience and diverse perspectives.

Strategic Planning & Operations: Kevin Lampeter, HSBC

“I’m honored to serve in this capacity and I look forward to working with the committee on formalizing the strategic vision for DSAC in 2016.”

Intelligence & Threats: Rich Davis, United Airlines

“We’ve made progress with DSAC this past year, and your Intel & Threats Committee is working closely with the DPO to provide critical feedback on DSAC Intelligence and Analysis products and to insure we improve the process in which critical information is shared with the private sector.”

Education and Training: Ron Iden, Disney

“After a successful conference in 2015, we are hard at work planning the 2016 Annual conference as well as working on enhancing and revitalizing the programs for the DSAC Executive Academy."

Governance & Nominating: Mark Bullock, Commonwealth Edison

“We’ve instituted a more streamlined membership acceptance process that enables us to more effectively evaluate potential DSAC members. In addition, we will continue to make adjustments and improvements as needed as well as ensuring that the security clearance process continues to work well for our membership."

We look forward to a very successful 2016 as we work to enhance the value and capabilities that DSAC brings to you every day….