
Datesort ascending Announcement Description
2017-01-19 MODIS L2P errors A PO.DAAC user recently discovered that MODIS L2P Aqua and Terra SST granules had a time stamp error for data produced in January 2017.  PO.DAAC has determined that this was due to erroneous handling of leap years and leap seconds in the production software.  A software patch has been implemented...
2017-01-19 Level 4 CMC 0.2deg SST Dataset Production Stops Soon The Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) will stop the production of its 0.2 degree spatial resolution Sea Surface Temperature Level 4 dataset ( by...
2017-01-11 New State of the Ocean (SOTO) beta version available on the PO.DAAC User Acceptance Tools (UAT) Server A new, completely redesigned version of the State of the Ocean (SOTO) tool - beta version 4.0 - was recently deployed on the PO.DAAC User Acceptance Tools (UAT) Server for evaluation and testing. Note that this version is preliminary and therefore may have bugs. This version consists of three...
2017-01-09 Dataset Update Announcement: July and August data added to JPL GRACE Mascon Version 2 Datasets The JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height (hereafter, Mascon) Version 2 datasets have been recently updated with two additional months to its data time series, which brings the time series up to August 2016.   Access to the CRI dataset, valued for its Coastline...
2016-12-22 Successful Launch of CYGNSS Tropical Ocean Wind Observing Mission The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida December 15, 2016 using a rare air-launch approach. An Orbital ATK Stargazer L1011 airliner carried the payload of eight microsatellites aboard a Pegasus XL rocket to approximately 40,...
2016-12-09 Public Release of Remote Sensing Systems Radiometer Rain Collocations with JPL RapidScat L2B Swath Grid The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Remote Sensing Systems Radiometer Rain Collocations with JPL RapidScat L2B Swath Grid Version 1.0 dataset at 12.5-km resolution and in netCDF-4 format. The corresponding NASA mission is officially referred to as ISS-RapidScat, where ISS...
2016-12-08 ISS-RapidScat Decommissioning The ISS-RapidScat Project has officially announced the end of operations of the ISS-RapidScat Mission as a result of numerous failed attempts to restore power to the RapidScat from the ISS Columbus module. The root cause of the power outage remains unknown. A robotic survey is currently underway to...
2016-11-18 SMAP Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) V2.0 Dataset from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) released The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the version 2.0 SMAP Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS).  This builds upon the legacy of the Aquarius/SAC mission and the official NASA salinity retrieval algorithm applied now...
2016-11-14 Public Release of QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 12.5km Slice Composites Version 3.1 The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the “QuikSCAT Level 2B Ocean Wind Vectors in 12.5km Slice Composites Version 3.1” (hereafter L2B Version 3.1) dataset. This dataset consists of Version 3.1 Level 2B (L2B) science-quality ocean surface wind vector retrievals from the Quick...
2016-11-03 Public Release of RapidScat Version 1.3 Datasets The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the RapidScat Version 1.3 datasets spanning a variety of processing levels including 2B (12.5-km resolution), 2A (at 25 km and 12.5 km resolutions), and 1B. The L2B dataset maintains its existing netCDF-4 “classic” format as already provided...
2016-10-24 Dataset Update Announcement: May and June data added to JPL GRACE Mascon Version 2 Datasets The JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height (hereafter, Mascon) Version 2 datasets have been recently updated with two additional months to its data time series, which brings the time series up to June 2016.   Access to the CRI dataset, valued for its Coastline Resolution...
2016-10-18 GHRSST REMO Level 4 SST dataset Unfortunately, the REMO (Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network) project in Brazil has been cancelled and the GHRSST REMO Level 4 SST dataset (
2016-09-23 NAVO Datasets Retirement In two weeks the PO.DAAC will retire five NAVOCEANO (NAVO)  AVHRR SST Level 2 datasets in DEF (binary) format that are superseded by GHRSST L2P datasets in netCDF format as shown in the list (mapping) below. Users are encouraged to migrate to the GHRSST L2P datasets that have more complete metadata...
2016-09-20 NASA Earthdata Webinar "Discover, Access and Subset NASA Physical Oceanography Data", Wednesday 28 September 2016 (11am-12pm PDT) PO.DAAC supports the physical oceanography user community by offering a suite of data access and visualization tools and services. During this webinar we will highlight the HiTIDE data subsetting tool for swath data, as well as our PO.DAAC Drive, which provides http-based access to our data...
2016-09-02 New GHRSST L2/L3 Sea Surface Temperature datasets for MetOp-B Satellite Platform from OSI-SAF Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) L2 and L3 SST datasets from the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI-SAF) at Meteo-France/Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale (CMS) in France are now available.  The L3 datasets are both global and regional (North Atlantic...
2016-09-01 PO.DAAC Scheduled Hardware Maintenance on 9/7/2016 (Wednesday) from 9am to 1pm (PST) Please be informed that PO.DAAC will undergo hardware maintenance this coming Wednesday (9/7/2016) from 9am-1pm (PST). All PO.DAAC public services (FTP, SecureFTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS, Web Services, SOTO, HiTIDE, ...) will be unavailable and all data stream processing will be disrupted. PO.DAAC Web...
2016-08-30 Earth science data user experience survey The following invitation is open to all users who acces data through the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) located at Blink, a user experience research and design firm, is seeking scientists and...
2016-08-29 RapidScat Data Loss from Power Outage On Friday, 19 August 2016, the RapidScat team was notified by the ISS payload operations center at Marshall that the Columbus Module experienced a power anomaly during which several payloads, including RapidScat, experienced a sudden loss of power. ISS engineering has since been able to restore...
2016-08-25 New version (v4.0.1) of the PO.DAAC High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction (HiTIDE) We are pleased to announce the new version (v4.0.1) of the PO.DAAC High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction (HiTIDE) now available online at HiTIDE v4.0.1 includes a redesigned user interface,...
2016-08-25 New version (v3.2.2) of the PO.DAAC Web Services We are pleased to announce the new version (v3.2.2) of the PO.DAAC Web Services  now available online at   PO.DAAC Web Services have been modified to conform to an updated API in the new HiTIDE/L2SS.  Also, there...
