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PO.DAAC Giovanni

PO.DAAC Giovanni

Giovanni is an on-line toolkit for the statistical intercomparison of geophysical parameters.  The Giovanni user interface allows users to find and display selected data in a number of representations (for example, on map or as a time-series plot), and subsequently download the plot source files in netCDF format.  Developed by the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center, PO.DAAC has installed a local instance of Giovanni to begin allowing users to experiment with the Giovanni toolkit using some of our own PO.DAAC datasets.

Webification image


Webification (W10n) is ReSTful Webservice technology providing simplified access to PODAAC data and metadata via HTTP/HTTPS protocols with URLs comprised of well-defined parameters. W10n supports major Earth science data formats like NetCDF and HDF 4/5, and abstracts an arbitrary data store as a hierarchical tree of nodes for  each associated attributes which can be interrogated.  Direct access to inner components of the tree is via HTTP requests from either a web browser, script or similar client. Results of W10n calls return specified measurement arrays or metadata elements via subset by array value (v.s. subset by array index), according to supported output formats (JSON, HTML, netCDF) as specified in the URL request.

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Datacasting is an RSS-based technology for accessing Earth Science information. With Datacasting, data providers can reach untold numbers of users using standards compliant technology.


Coastal Marine Discovery Service

The NASA's Coastal Marine Discovery Service leverages open source technology for unifying coastal ocean data search and discovery with further extension of data visualization, interrogation and query using the web-based Environmental Analysis System (EASy) GIS framework.