Dataset Highlights

Example of a spherical cap Mascon solution for 1 arbitrary month

JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height

The JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height (hereafter, Mascon) products are now available as part of the Tellus MEaSUREs collection of Earth System Data Records (ESDRs). This data product differs from other GRACE data products in that the gravity field has been solved for in terms of equal-area 3-degree spherical cap Mascon solutions, rather than spherical harmonic coefficients.  The data product contains monthly global water storage anomalies relative to a time-mean expressed on a 0.5 by 0.5 degree (latitude by longitude) grid, although the native resolution is still limited to 3 by 3 degrees. Mascon has...
Figure 1.  SSHA from January 3, 1950

Reconstructed Sea Level Dataset

The Reconstructed Sea Level dataset contains sea level anomalies derived from satellite altimetry and tide gauges.  Since 1993, satellite altimetry has provided accurate measurements of sea surface height with near-global coverage. These measurements led to the first definitive estimates of global mean sea level (GMSL) rise and have improved understanding of how sea levels are changing regionally at decadal time scales These relatively short records, however, provide no information about the state of the ocean prior to 1993, and with the modern altimetry record spanning only 20 years, the lower-frequency signals that are known to be present...
AMSR-E SST from the month of April 2009.

Gridded Climate Variables for Model Intercomparison

PO.DAAC is pleased to announce that it will distribute three gridded satellite datasets to facilitate climate model evaluation. They include variables for Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT), and ocean surface vector winds.   These observational datasets are on monthly 1° grids with various time series lengths.  They were generated with the initial intention to facilitate the intercomparison of satellite derived observations with climate model outputs from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) under the World Climate Research Program (WCRP).  However, their utility extends beyond climate model...

Aquarius Level 3 data is now available at the PO.DAAC

Aquarius Level 3 data is now available at the PO.DAAC.  Level 3 data are gridded onto a 1 degree x 1 degree grid.  Both salinity and wind speed are available in daily, 7day, monthly, and seasonally averaged files.   The data should continue to be used for evaluation purposes only.  Level 3 imagery can be browsed interactively via our new Aquarius Browser tool:   The new data can be found at:...

Aquarius Level 2 salinity data

Aquarius Level 2 salinity data are being released for evaluation and validation purposes.  The data are still being calibrated and contain uncertainties.   There will be frequent calibration and reprocessing updates, replacing earlier versions, for the next several months. Data may be accessed by acknowledging a disclaimer through in which the user agrees to accept full responsibility in how these data are used and to inform the project of problems and/or results found, as well as publications.The image shown was produced by PO.DAAC using 7-...
The wind vectors from the OSI SAF 12.5 km ASCAT data set (ops vs. coastal)

MetOp-A ASCAT Level 2 Ocean Surface Wind Vectors Optimized for Coastal Ocean

The MetOp-A ASCAT Level 2 Ocean Surface Wind Vectors Optimized for Coastal Ocean dataset provides enhanced coastal coverage of ocean surface wind vectors over the global ice-free oceans at a sampling resolution of 12.5 km. The Ocean and Sea Ice Scatterometer Application Facility (OSI SAF) provides this experimental dataset in near-real-time (NRT) to supplement the existing Level 2 NRT ASCAT ocean...
Multi-Mission Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record

Multi-Mission Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record

NOTICE: This dataset has been superseded. For the latest information on this data series please visit   The MEaSUREs Integrated Multi-Mission Ocean Altimeter Data for Climate Research v1.0 sea surface height (SSH) anomaly dataset is comprised of TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), Jason-1, and OSTM/Jason-2 altimeter data integrated to form a single Sea Surface Height (SSH) Climate Data Record (CDR), merged...
Jason-1 Enhanced Jason Microwave Radiometer Product

Jason-1 Enhanced Jason Microwave Radiometer Product

The Jason Microwave Radiometer (JMR) Enhanced Product provides an improved rain and sea ice flag valid for the radiometer data products and applies a recently developed coastal processing algorithm to provide wet tropospheric Path Delays (PD) near land, where the data were previously flagged as bad in the Geophysical Data Record (GDR).  The use of satellite altimetry for coastal studies has steadily increased over the past several years, but some of the science processing algorithms used to produce the data products on the GDR are either tuned for the open ocean or only valid in the...
New Pathfinder Version 5.1 Data extends Satellite Derived Climate Data Record (C

New Pathfinder Version 5.1 Data extends Satellite Derived Climate Data Record (CDR)

The Pathfinder program was jointly created by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the Earth Observing System (EOS) Program Office. The focus of the Pathfinder Program was to determine how existing satellite based data sets could be reprocessed and used to study global change. The data sets were designed to be long time-series data processed with stable calibration and community consensus algorithms to better assist the research community. The Pathfinder SST program was...