Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution on the Situation In Kyrgyzstan

Ethnic Uzbeks gather near the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border in southern Kyrgyzstan, on Saturday, June 12, 2010, to seek refuge in Uzbekistan from mobs of Kyrgyz men attacking the minority Uzbek community. Photo: AP

Ethnic Uzbeks gather near the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border in southern Kyrgyzstan, on Saturday, June 12, 2010, to seek refuge in Uzbekistan. (Photo: AP)

Press Statement by
Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe
U.S. Representative to the Human Rights Council

June 18, 2010

“The United States is deeply concerned about the recent inter-ethnic violence and the tragic loss of life in Kyrgyzstan.

The adoption by the Human Rights Council today of a resolution on Kyrgyzstan demonstrates that Council member states can work together to respond to a crisis situation virtually in real time. The resolution condemns the provocations and violence in Osh and Jalalabad. It calls on the Government of Kyrgyzstan to uphold its human rights commitments and to conduct a full and transparent investigation that holds perpetrators responsible for loss of life; urges all actors to refrain from violence, and requests the international community to provide the support and assistance that is most critical right now.

The situation in Kyrgyzstan is one which requires a response from the international community on multiple fronts. We call upon all actors to refrain from violence and strongly encourage all parties to ensure that international borders remain open for those fleeing violence and for humanitarian relief.

The United States has just committed over $32.2 million in assistance for programs for humanitarian relief, reconstruction, and community stabilization. This funding, announced in Washington on June 16, will be directed to meeting immediate humanitarian needs, providing assistance to displaced and returning families, and also to address the roots of the conflict through community development and conflict mitigation programs in the southern region of Kyrgyz Republic. We expect additional efforts to be announced in the near future.”

Related text: U.S. Statement Introducing the Resolution

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