Gerry Canavan

Gerry Canavan is a retired Coast Guard officer who joined the FBI as an analyst helping to target drug-carrying vessels for the Joint Interagency Task Force South on Key West, Florida, a multi-agency, international alliance whose mission is to cover 42 million square miles of territory primarily in Central and South America to stem the flow of illegal drugs and to disrupt and dismantle sophisticated narco-trafficking networks. Much of that work is carried out on the high seas.

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The loads that were talking about are anywhere from 500 kilos up to over eight tons of coke if it’s on one of the SPSSs. 

The other unique thing about this is in those larger loads the organizations will usually send a trusted member to oversee and protect that load. We’re talking people that are a little bit higher—to earn trust you have to be in the organization quite a while.

So if we can take down one of those trusted folks and bring them back to the U.S. court systems now you’re feeding the intel cycle and it continues the communications and the intel that comes into JIATF.

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