Musical Theater

Musical Theater


Theater & Musical Theater Director

Greg Reiner
Greg Reiner joined the NEA as the director of theater and musical theater starting in September 2015. Reiner manages NEA...


Eleanor Denegre
Musical Theater/Theater Specialist,
Carol Lanoux Lee
Musical Theater/Theater Specialist,

Recent Grants

Medal of Arts

An online grant search is available to find information on NEA grants from 2000 to the present.


Headshot of a man.
Actor and Singer


This report summarizes a roundtable conversation hosted by the NEA on creating opportunities for Deaf theater artists. More than 50 artists, administrators, academics, and funders gathered in New York City...
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 dramatically exposed the vulnerability of the arts and cultural sector in emergency preparedness and emergency response. To strengthen the understanding and readiness of...