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Fazeel-A-Tul Shaykh Abu Mohammed Ameen Al-Peshawar, Abu Mohammad Amin Bishawri, Sheik Aminullah, Shaykh Ameen, Shaykh Aminullah al-Peshawari, Abu Mohammad Aminullah Peshawari, Abu Mohammad Shaykh Aminullah al Bishauri, Shaykh Abu Mohammed Ameen al-Peshawari


Date(s) of Birth Used 1961, 1967, 1973
Place of Birth Konar Province, Afghanistan
Height 5'10"
Build Thin, with a large, round stomach
Complexion Light
Sex Male


Aminullah wears thick glasses and a curly, chest-length salt-and-pepper beard. He may be residing in the Ganj District (or Ganji District), Peshawar, Pakistan.


Shaykh Aminullah is wanted for questioning in connection with providing material support to Al Qaeda, the Taliban and anti-coalition militias, with the aid of a Pakistan-based terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT). Shaykh Aminullah is the founder and director of the Ganj Madrassa, a religious institution, and operates as a financier, recruiter and weapons facilitator for the Madrassa.

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