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warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Sep 28, 2016    OMI NO2 Reprocessed Data (Version 3.0) released   

The NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), in partnership with members of the Aura/Ozone Measuring Instrument (OMI) science team, announce the availability of the full data set of the reprocessed OMNO2 Standard Product, which indicates atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. OMNO2 data are available as Level 2 (orbital swath) data.  The OMNO2G data product is a special Level 2 data product where the pixel level data are binned into 0.25o x 0.25o  global grids without averaging. OMNO2d data are Level 3 data products created with pixel level data of good quality, binned and "averaged" into 0.25o x 0.25o degree global grids.

warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Jul 24, 2015    Why do my Data Holdings look different?    

Accessing your data through the GES DISC web site may seem a little unfamiliar to you to these days, but we can assure you, your data is all still available. The location of the data in the online archive has not changed.

The GES DISC has implemented a new interactive interface to make finding data easier than ever. We've added features like searching by keywords, filtering by criteria such as measurements, processing level and spatial resolution, and sortable data columns so now you can fine tune your search results. To get you started we put together a Help document to introduce you to the new interface. If you have any questions about the new design please contact us using the Feedback link in the upper right-hand corner or contact the GES DISC Help Desk by sending email to

 Welcome to the EOS Aura Data Support Web Site at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). Aura is the EOS chemistry mission which aims to answer three important questions: is the ozone layer recovering, is air quality getting worse, and is the Earth's climate changing? Aura will continue the long term series of atmospheric chemistry measurements made by earlier missions. The Aura spacecraft operates in a 705 km sun-synchronous polar orbit, with an ascending equator crossing at 1:45 PM. The satellite carries four state-of-the-art instruments:


(Chart showing parameters measured by Aura.)


Data Access:
To order any of the OMI, MLS or HIRDLS data, please click on the "Data Access" link on menu bar.


Parameters Measured by Aura:

(Click on this image for a larger view)

Related Data:

Related atmospheric chemistry and dynamics data sets are available from the GES DISC, including UARS, TOMS, GOME, BUV/ SBUV/ SSBUV, LIMS, TOVS, and AIRS. Solar irradiance data from SORCE and UARS are also available.

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Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 09:44 AM ET