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Amateur Radio Service



Volunteer Examiners

Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are Amateur Extra Class radio operators who volunteer their time and talent to prepare and administer amateur radio operator license examinations. The examination for a Technician Class operator license grant is also prepared and administered by Advanced and General Class operators. Advanced Class licensees may also prepare and administer General Class license examinations. A VE is a person at least 18 years of age whose license has never been revoked or suspended. Your close relatives, however, cannot be your VEs. Each VE, moreover, has been accredited by a Volunteer-Examiner Coordinator (VEC), an organization that exists for the purpose of furthering the amateur service.
Contact a VE team in your community to make arrangements for being administered the examination elements you desire. The VE teams make public announcements stating the location and time of each examination session. If you need assistance in finding a VE team in your area, contact a VEC.
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