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Amateur Radio Service



Common Filing Task: Replacing a License

No Fee Charged
Small Arrow Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System
Small Arrow Filing Manually
Section 97.29 provides that each person who has been granted an amateur station license whose original license document or permit document is lost, mutilated or destroyed may request a replacement. Use purpose DU, duplicate.
Club, military recreation and RACES stations must now file duplicate requests through Club Station Call Sign Administrators. See the Public Notice on CSCSAs ( pdf - text - Word).

Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System

To replace your license, go to the Universal Licensing System, select Online Filing, and do the following:
  1. Login with your FRN and Password. Note: TINs (Tax Payer Identification Numbers) may no longer be used for logging into ULS, effective December 14, 2003.
  2. Choose Request Duplicate from the Work on This License menu on the right hand side of your License At A Glance screen.
    Note: For additional help with this process, click on the Common Questions that appear on most pages of ULS License Manager, or click the Help link at the top right of each page.
  3. On the Select Updates page, review the license information displayed beneath the table of information displayed for your license. If any of the information is missing or out of date, you must update the information. Click on the box to the left of the Licensee Information heading to insert a checkbox and select it.
  4. When ready click Continue.
  5. Answer the questions on the Applicant Questions page. Then click Continue.
  6. On the licensee page, update your licensee address and any other relevant information by typing your information into the text boxes provided. When ready, click Continue.
  7. On the Summary page review the information you have entered. If you wish to make additional changes, click the Edit button next to the section of your application you wish to Edit. You will be able to return to that page of the application. Make the desired change and select the Return to Summary button.
  8. When ready to submit your update to the Commission, choose the Continue to Certify button.
  9. After reading the certification, enter your first and last names and title if appropriate in the boxes at the bottom of the page. You MUST sign the application. When finished choose the Submit Application button.
  10. From the ULS Confirmation screen, we recommend you print a copy of your application and/or the Confirmation screen itself from your web browser.

Filing Manually

You may alternatively submit a paper FCC Form 605 (edition date of July 2005 or later) to
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245
OR, you may deliver the form in person to:
1280 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325
You can request forms by calling (800) 418-FORM (3676), download the form or call our Fax Information system at (202) 418-0177.
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