May 2015 DAIT Council-Approved Concepts

Concepts represent early planning stages for program announcements, requests for applications, or solicitations for Council's input. If NIAID publishes an initiative from one of these concepts, we link to it below. To find initiatives, go to the Opportunities and Announcements portal.

Council approval does not guarantee that a concept will become an initiative.

Table of Contents

Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC)

For the published request for applications, see the November 18, 2015 Guide announcement,Human Immunology Project Consortium (U19).

Elucidation of Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Endovascular Injury and Development of Treatments/Mitigators for Radiation-Induced Endothelial Cell and Vascular Dysfunction

Request for Applications—Proposed FY 2017 initiative

Contact: Andrea DiCarlo-Cohen

Objective: The role of the endovascular network in radiation injury is not well understood; however, the importance of this biological system in the observed multi-organ dysfunction that occurs following radiation exposure has recently been established. This initiative will address gaps in the understanding of the pathophysiology of radiation injury in the vasculature, and how this damage contributes to overall mortality following exposure. The initiative will also advance the development of treatment approaches targeting this anatomically-universal component of the body.

Description: This initiative will support investigations into the mechanism of action(s) of radiation injury on the vasculature, as well as the development of novel approaches to treat injury to this part of the body following radiation exposure.

Development of Radiation/Nuclear Medical Countermeasures and Biodosimetry Devices

For the published broad agency announcement, see the December 23, 2015, solicitation, Development of Radiation/Nuclear Medical Countermeasures or Biodosimetry Devices.

ImmPort and Development of New Tools and Methodologies for the Reuse of ImmPort Data

For the published program announcement with special receipt, referral, and/or review considerations, see the May 10, 2016, Guide announcement, Informatics Methodology and Secondary Analyses for Immunology Data in ImmPort (UH2).

Content last reviewed on June 9, 2015