Science to Solutions

sage grouse on nestScience to Solutions: Conifer Removal Boosts Sage Grouse Success

New research shows that 86% of hens avoided nesting in sagebrush habitat invaded by conifers. Luckily, the studies also show that removing conifers in otherwise high-quality habitat is a boon to nesting sage grouse.

Sagebrush Songbirds Under the Sage Grouse Umbrella

New songbird maps provide tools to help expand the benefits of sage grouse conservation to more wildlife species in the sagebrush community. Learn more from our latest Science to Solutions report on the wide-ranging impacts of improving sagebrush habitat.

Wet areas are critical for sage grouse in late summer -- removing encroaching conifers helps retain water for the benefit of wildlife and ranching operations.Sagebrush Rangelands Help Maintain Water Availability

Water delivery is delayed by an average of nine days in sagebrush systems compared to juniper-dominated systems. Holding water later into the summer season helps the sagebrush system become more diverse, benefiting vegetation, wildlife, and ranchers. This is one of the greatest services that an ecosystem can provide in the West.

To read more Science to Solutions >

Featured Friends

Carol Dunten is the chairman of the Harney County SWCD. She and her husband Alfred are 5th generation conservationists, and proud advocates of voluntary programs like the Sage Grouse Initiative.Featured Friend: Harney County Soil and Water Conservation District

In Oregon’s largest county — where cattle outnumber people 14 to 1 — the local soil and water conservation district has a recipe for collaborative conservation that’s improving the odds for both sage grouse and ranchers.

wood river land trust sgi featured friendFeatured Friend: Wood River Land Trust

In Idaho’s sage grouse country, unique partnerships are protecting precious open spaces. The Wood River Land Trust is spearheading collaborative and creative projects that benefit birds as well as a host of sagebrush-dependent wildlife.

South Dakota sage grouseFeatured Friend: South Dakota Sage Grouse Local Working Group

On the easternmost edge of greater sage-grouse range, local ranchers, scientists, and government groups play a vital role in identifying the most pressing threats to sage grouse, and work together to address those threats. Read their story here.

To read more Featured Friends >

Success Stories

Eastern Sierra Land Trust - ranchers and cattle in the sun$8 Million Fund Created to Improve Water Quality and Conserve Greater Sage-Grouse in the Eastern Sierra

Both the Bi-State population of greater sage-grouse and agricultural ranchlands will benefit from a just-announced $8 million USDA investment in California and Nevada.

Carol Dunten is the chairman of the Harney County SWCD. She and her husband Alfred are 5th generation conservationists, and proud advocates of voluntary programs like the Sage Grouse Initiative.Featured Friend: Harney County Soil and Water Conservation District

In Oregon’s largest county — where cattle outnumber people 14 to 1 — the local soil and water conservation district has a recipe for collaborative conservation that’s improving the odds for both sage grouse and ranchers.

Oregon Rancher Mike Greeley Enhances Mahogany Mountain For The Bird And The Herd

Rancher Mike Greeley uses conservation-minded management to sustain his working lands in eastern Oregon for wildlife and livestock. Check out this video of Mike on his ranch!

To read more Success Stories >

Photos & Videos

Browse Photos: Please feel free to download photos for news articles, presentations, and other noncommercial uses. However, DO include photo credits to support our wonderful photographers and partners.

Featured SGI Videos You Won’t Want to Miss (6 mins each!):

The Sage Grouse Initiative Story
Developing Grazing Systems
Tackling Conifer Encroachment
Establishing Conservation Easements
Saving Sage Grouse: The Wyoming Example

Featured Webinars and Training Tools:

Browse all SGI videos on the SGI YouTube Channel.

Reports & Brochures

*Email to request print copies

Success on the Range Report – July 2015

SGI Overview Brochure

SGI Overview Brochure – Updated April 2015

SGI outcomes in conservation for sage grouse initiative

Outcomes in Conservation Report – Feb 2015

Tracking Success Report - 2013

Tracking Success Report – 2013

breeding density map pic

Sage Grouse Breeding Bird Density Map & Report – Sept 2010

Great Basin Factsheet Series 2016 (compilation)

Great Basin Factsheet Series 2016 (compilation)

SGI 2.0 photo ken miracle - homepage tile

Sage Grouse Initiative 2.0: Investment Strategy FY 2015-2018


Working Lands for Wildlife – Facts on CCCAs

WLFW GSG scorecard thumbnail 2015

Working Lands For Wildlife – Greater Sage Grouse Scorecard, 2010-2015

Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation & the Sagebrush Ecosystem - Collaborative Conservation at Work (2016)

Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation & the Sagebrush Ecosystem – Collaborative Conservation at Work (2016)

Tracking Success - 2016 Online Report

SGI’s Tracking Success – 2016 Online Report

Learning Tools

*Email to request print copies


Conserve Our Western Roots poster, flyers, and postcards

Educational Tools For Kids

Sagebrush Ecosystem Curriculum by USFWS

Sagebrush Ecosystem Kids Page by Audubon Rockies

Sage-Grouse Education / Activities for Kids by BLM

Seriously Sage Coloring Book by USDA

Bird Feats by Deborah Richie


Great Basin Factsheet Series 2016: Information and tools to conserve and restore Great Basin ecosystems (For hard copies of the compilation, contact: Génie MontBlanc at 775-784-1107 or

Sagebrush Bird Habitat Guide

Pocket Guide to Sagebrush*

Pocket Guide to Sagebrush Birds*

Greater Sage-Grouse Field Indicator Guide (NRCS Montana)

Sage Grouse Habitat in Utah: A Guide for Landowners and Managers

Sage Grouse Habitat in Idaho: A Practical Guide for Landowners and Managers

Birds in a Sagebrush Sea: Managing Habitats for Bird Communities

2014 Farm Bill Field Guide to Fish and Wildlife Conservation

* Contact Point Blue to order hard copies for your field visits!

Wildlife-Friendly Fences

Frequently Asked Questions on Marking Fences to Prevent Sage Grouse Collisions

Science to Solutions: Marking High-Risk Fences Saves Sage Grouse

A Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences, Montana version

A Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences, Wyoming Version

Applying the Sage-grouse Fence Collision Risk Tool to Reduce Bird Strikes

Water Tanks

Livestock Water Tanks and Sage Grouse: A Landowner’s Guide

Livestock Water Tanks: Ladder Design


Visit the SGI YouTube Channel for the Webinar Playlist: Training information all in one easy place!


SGI Interactive Web Map

More range maps available here on the USFWS website.

See Places and Projects for locations of SGI field work.

Books and Stories

Save the Last Dance by Joel Vance

Birds in a Sagebrush Sea by Christine Paige

The Sagebrush Sea by Stephen Trimble

Pollinators & Sage Grouse Fact Sheet by USFS

Why Care About Sagebrush? Fact Sheet by USFWS

Grouse of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Article by Michael A. Schroeder