Photo of the San Rafael Desert by Kevin Wood

San Rafael Desert MLP

The San Rafael MLP will serve as a roadmap to guide the orderly development of oil and gas resources in the area, while also providing protections for important conservation areas in southeastern Utah.

The MLP will focus on about 525,000 acres in Emery and Wayne counties, and could result in amendments to 2 resource management plans, or land use plans, governing BLM-managed public lands in the region.  The purpose of the public “scoping” period, which begins tomorrow and runs through July 1, 2016, is to enable anyone interested to suggest issues that should be addressed as the BLM works with stakeholders to develop the plan.

Development of the San Rafael Desert MLP is consistent with the sweeping oil and gas leasing reform initiative launched by the BLM in 2010.  As part of that effort, the BLM called for the development of MLPs to provide a framework for determining which areas are appropriate for responsible oil and gas exploration and development.  MLPs also provide direction for resolving resources conflicts, protecting important conservation resources, supporting outdoor recreation, and other activities that benefit local communities and other public land visitors.

The San Rafael Desert MLP the BLM intends to:

  • Resolve long-standing protests on lease parcels that have been sold, but not issued in the planning area;
  • Determine whether to modify or lift lease suspensions that have been in place pending further analysis addressing lands with wilderness characteristics;
  • Evaluate potential oil and gas development scenarios;
  • Identify and address potential resource conflicts and environmental impacts from oil and gas development; and,
  • Identify potential conditions of approval and mitigation strategies for oil and gas development activities.

1. Planning Assessment Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

2. Notice of Intent


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

3. Scoping Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

4. Preliminary Alternatives

In Progress

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

5. Draft RMP: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

6. Proposed RMP: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

7. Record of Decisions: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

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Project Contact:

Jake Palma

BLM Price Field Office
125 S 600 W
Price, UT 84501

Phone: 435-636-3660
