USDA Forest ServiceSkip navigational links  

Remote Sensing Applications Center

Remote Sensing Applications Center
2222 W. 2300 South
Salt Lake City, UT
84119 - 2020
voice: (801) 975-3750
fax: (801) 975-3478
RSAC Website

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.USDA logo which links to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

USGS Center
for EROS

47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD
57198 - 0001
605-594-6589 fax
EROS Website

Learn more about BEARImagery Support

How to Request Imagery and Burned Area Reflectance Classifications (BARC)

All Forest Service and DOI BAER teams can now request satellite imagery and BARC support by using the BAER Imagery Support Request Portal:

If you would like to speak with a BAER Imagery Support representative please contact the appropriate agency below:
US Forest Service
Carl Albury

Department of Interior
Randy McKinley

What to know before you request support:
  1. Fire name and location (lat/long or perimeter shapefile)
  2. Estimated time frame of BAER assessment period
  3. Name and telephone number of contact person
  4. GIS projection desired for geospatial layers
  5. BEAR Team Leader Name
  6. Other special data needs (data formats, internet access constraints, etc.)
Typically, USFS – RSAC handles fires that burn on Forest Service lands while USGS – EROS handles all those that burn on Dept. of Interior lands (BLM, FWS, NPS, etc.). State and international fires are shared equally by both centers. You should expect the same service from either center, so if one is unavailable the other can provide the support you need.

The media and general public can obtain fire activity information on a specific fire from the InciWeb or by contacting the appropriate local federal, state, county, or tribal land management agency.

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