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How to follow the GES DISC on Twitter

nasa_gesdisc and nasa_giovanni are the GES DISC Twitter Feeds

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Here's how to follow the GES DISC Twitter feeds!

Note: Twitter is a non-government Web site that may have different privacy policies from those of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA does not collect,  archive, or share personal information which is received from individuals that is necessary for the conduct of NASA official business activities. Non-government third-party Web sites  and corporations are not subject to NASA privacy rules.

It's not necessary to have a Twitter account to read the tweets at nasa_gesdisc or nasa_giovanni.   Just go to the respective profile feeds and read the tweets.

nasa_gesdisc profile feed

nasa_giovanni profile feed

However, to actually follow nasa_gesdisc or nasa_giovanni, a Twitter account is required.

1.  Go to

2.  Click the big yellow Sign Up > button, and follow the instructions to make the account.    This will require the creation of a username and password, and a valid email address.   The username is what you will be known by on Twitter, so choose carefully.

3. Once the account is created, you can then search for people or organizations to follow.  Click the "Find People" link, and type in our Twitter feed names, nasa_gesdisc or nasa_giovanni.      When the results are returned, there will be three icons to the right of the feed name.  The first one is the follow icon.  Click it, and then you'll be following!

4.   Alternatively, you can click on the Twitter feed name and go to the Twitter feed page;   there will be an follow icon near the top left.   Click on that, and you'll be following.

We'll try to keep it interesting.   Have fun!  

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Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 11:51 AM ET