Bureau of Land Management National Park Service US Fish and Wildlife Service US Forest Service

Fish Creek, Oregon

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Managing Agency:

U.S. Forest Service, Mt. Hood National Forest

Designated Reach:

March 30, 2009. From its headwaters to its confluence with the Clackamas River.


Recreational — 13.5 miles; Total — 13.5 miles.

Fish Creek

Photo Credit: Tim Palmer

Fish Creek

Fish Creek is a significant tributary of the Clackamas River on the western slope of the Cascade Range in northwest Oregon. The 13.5-mile segment from its headwaters to the confluence with the Clackamas River is administered as a recreational river. Fisheries values are outstandingly remarkable.

Fish Creek flows through a narrow canyon near the headwaters and into a broader canyon as it nears the confluence with the Clackamas River. The river is very important as potential anadromous fish habitat as it once provided excellent habitat. However, due to past management practices and flooding, the habitat quality has declined. Potential for restoration of the habitat is high and an ambitious restoration project by the Forest Service is taking place. The results of this project are the subject of a nationally important research effort. The river contains spring Chinook, winter and summer steelhead, and winter run coho salmon.