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Comment & Guest Blog Policies

Revised October 2016

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the science of addiction and drug abuse and the work we are doing at NIDA. I welcome your comments and ideas.

Comments are reviewed before posting. Debate and disagreement are welcome, but mutual respect and politeness must be maintained. Comments that are off-topic, uncivil, promoting a product, or promoting drug use will not be posted. Multiple comments that repeat the same point may not be posted. Because comments are moderated, there may be a delay before comments appear on the site.  Posts will be open for comments for 60 days.  We also reserve the right to not publish comments over 250 words.

Comments will not be posted if they:

  • Contain vulgar language, personal insults, or offensive comments about others (based on ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, intelligence, or any other personal attacks).
  • Promote any services or products, are clearly off topic, or make unsupported assertions or accusations. Comments that include a link or URL to a personal or commercial Web site will not be posted.
  • Voice support for drug use or any illegal activity.
  • Include personal contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
  • Are of excessive length.

Guest Bloggers

As a federal scientific research agency, we cannot support or promote commercial products, projects, or enterprises. We only accept guest blog posts from people or groups with whom we have a substantial partnership, such as other federal agencies, non-profit groups, and researchers who receive federal funding.


This page was last updated October 2016

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    Dr. Nora Volkow: Video Highlights

    NIDA Director, Dr. Nora D. Volkow Videos

    • National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Quality Talks, October 2016
      Treating Addiction Within the Health Care System
    • APA TV, May 2016
      APA TV chats with Dr. Nora Volkow, the Director of NIDA to hear about her lecture on drug abuse and the opioid epidemic.
    • Kentucky Educational Television, May 2016
      One to One with Bill Goodman: Dr. Nora Volkow
    • TEDMED, January 2015
      Why do our brains get addicted?
    • The World Science Festival, May 2013
      Meet Pioneer in Science, Dr. Nora Volkow
    • Rockburn Presents, November 2012
      Dr. Nora Volkow
    • Brookhaven National Laboratory WBNL Video, October 2012
      Chemistry celebration: FDG: Contribution to Our Understanding of Addiction
    • CBS 60 Minutes, April 2012
      Hooked: Why Bad Habits Are Hard to Break 
    • Science Times, June 2011
      Dr. Nora Volkow