HIV/AIDS Specimen Repository, Additional Resources

BBI Biotech Research, Inc., is one of three principal branches of Boston Biomedica, Inc. (BBI), a small business that supports the research needs of the government and industry. Through the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) specimen repository contract, BBI Biotech provides state-of-the-art storage and computerized inventory management of specimens from domestic and international HIV epidemiology studies, HIV therapeutic and vaccine trials, and other prevention research studies through its central repositories. For more information, contact

Kathi Shea
Phone: 301-208-8100
Fax: 301-208-8829

The National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI) is a non-profit organization receiving targeted funding for HIV tissues through DAIDS. The NDRI collects, distributes, and maintains a repository of a wide range of tissues from HIV-positive donors for distribution to qualified biomedical research scientists. Researchers may register for tissues and see the catalog of services at their website.

For all inquiries regarding donation for the HIV Research Program, please contact the HIV Program Manager at 800-222-6374 and wait for the operator to direct your call, so that you may speak to someone immediately.

Content last reviewed on April 27, 2007