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Managing Pain Patients Who Abuse Prescription Drugs

Revised October 2012

Managing Pain Patients Who Abuse Prescription Drugs (Unaccredited)

This activity is available for medical students and other health professionals through the NIDA site. Practice your clinical skills with this test and teach module.

It is intended for primary care providers, neurologists, anesthesiologists, pain specialists, obstetrician/gynecologists, orthopedists, nurse practitioners, nurses and other healthcare practitioners who manage patients with chronic pain.

Start the module


The goal of this activity is to describe the symptoms and prevalence of opioid addiction and dependence in patients with chronic pain, and the steps clinicians can take to screen for, prevent, and treat such these conditions.


Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Develop strategies to assess and monitor patients taking opioids for abuse and potential diversion of medication
  • Propose communication strategies to engage patients in dialog focused on treatment of prescription drug abuse or addiction
  • Formulate treatment management and possible referral plans to prevent and address opioid addiction in patients with a diagnosis of chronic pain

For credit, take the Mesdcape CME/CE.

This page was last updated October 2012

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