Research Training and Career Timeframe

Research Awards Career Stage ‘Formal’ Training/Career Awards
‘Informal’ Training and Career Development on RPGs and Supplements Pre-Bac Pre-Bac Institutional Training Grant (T34)
Graduate/Medical Student Predoctoral Institutional Training Grant (T32)
Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31)
Predoctoral Individual MD/PhD NRSA (F30)
Post Doctoral Postdoctoral Institutional Training (T32)
Postdoctoral Individual NRSA (F32)
Post Doctoral & Early Career NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00)
Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01)
Small Grant (R03)
Research Project Grant (R01)
Exploratory/Development Grant (R21)
Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (K08)
Mentored Patient-Oriented RCDA (K23)
Mentored Quantitative RCDA (K25)
Middle Career Independent Scientist Award (K02)
  Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24)
Senior Career  

Mentored Career Development Awards

  K01 K08 K23 K99
Purpose Doctoral degree; biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences research leading to research independence Clinical doctoral degree; biomedical and behavioral research, especially translational research Clinical doctoral degree; patient-oriented research Transition from mentored postdoctoral research to independent (faculty) research position with independent research support
Budget Salary (K01: up to $90K plus up to $50K for research expenses, travel, statistics) K99: $90K salary plus research expenses
R00: $249K total costs
Project Period 3-5 years K99: 2 years
R00: 3 years
Renewable No
Foreign Inst No
Eligibility Citizen; non-citizen national; permanent resident Also: visa for K99 and/or R00 phases
Other Never had major grant: eg. R01, P01, sub-projects 4 years [pstdpc [12 Feb 2014]

K99/R00: A Two Phase Award

  • K99 Phase (1-2 years) –mentored phase
    • Obtain additional research training
    • Advice on establishing research independence
    • Up to $90,000/year salary
    • Up to $50,000/year research expenses
  • R00 Phase (3 years) –independent phase
    • Awarded after obtaining an independent tenure-track or equivalent position
    • Requires 75% effort toward research activities
    • Up to $249,000/year total costs
    • NIH programmatic review: Tranistion to R00 Phase is contingent upon:
      • K99 phase progress and R00 research plans
      • Offer of a tenure-track position
      • Competitive start-up package