Dec 14, 2010
White House recognizes ScienceEducation.gov

  ScienceEducation.gov (beta version) has been posted on the White House Open Government Innovations Gallery. ScienceEducation.gov is a searchable portal of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education resources freely available online (see ScienceEducation.gov video [exit federal site]). ScienceEducation.gov ensures that resources are made available transparently through a participatory and collaborative initiative. Read more about the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) recognition of ScienceEducation.gov on the DOE Blog, the DOE facebook page [exit federal site] and the OSTI blog.

Dec 2, 2010
Science.gov faster, easier to use

  Your search for federal government science information at Science.gov is faster than ever before and the portal sports enhancements to streamline your search experience, including:

  • Users can now access their alerts accounts from their alerts email. It is much easier to modify or delete alerts and users can increase the alerts frequency to Daily.
  • Users can now download directly to RefWorks or EndNote in addition to just the .RIS format.
  • Users can now search both the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations through the main search page.
Dec 2, 2010
Arizona State featured at OSTI

  ASU researchers are looking to solve society's grand challenges, and the institution's research awards grew to over $347 million in 2010. You can now read about ASU research opportunities -- ­from undergraduate research to the Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative -- at the OSTI .EDUconnections website. .EDUconnections features U.S. institutions committed to supporting and advancing DOE scientific research programs. For more institutions in the .EDUconnections spotlight, visit the archive page.

Dec 2, 2010
From earth to space, Harold Urey’s research paved pathways for modern science

The discovery of deuterium helped Harold Urey win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1934 and has been called one of the foremost achievements of modern science. His work ranged from the separation of isotopes for the development of the atomic bomb to cosmochemistry, a term he coined when his interests turned to the chemistry of the planets. Read more about this pioneering scientist at the DOE R&D Accomplishments web page, and find resources with additional information. DOE R&D Accomplishments is a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as remarkable advancements in science.

Nov 15, 2010
Find software developed by the DOE labs via updated website, ESTSC

  You can find scientific and technical software resulting from DOE-funded research at the Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) website. Software packages in the collection can be used for a variety of applications, and represent the latest in Energy Department-sponsored software. In many cases, the packages are available in multiple platforms, such as PC, workstation, or supercomputer. Software is available on CD-ROM and includes supporting documentation, either in paper or electronic format. An online searchable catalog is available. The collection also contains selected software from the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Jun 11, 2010
Revolutionary physicist and Nobel Prize winner featured at OSTI

Kenneth Wilson won the1982 Nobel Prize in physics "for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions." Wilson is featured at the OSTI DOE R&D Accomplishments website. DOE R&D Accomplishments is a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as remarkable advances in science. According to The Harvard Crimson, Wilson "was part of the generation of scientists who revolutionized physics in the 1970s and confirmed the quantum theories of physicists from the early 20th century including Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein." Read about his award-winning work and find resources with additional information.

May 28, 2010
OSTI visits John Burroughs Education Campus for National Lab Day

On May 26th, OSTI Director Walter Warnick and Information Program Specialist Joanna Martin visited John Burroughs Education Campus in Washington DC to participate in a "Chew and Chat with a Scientist or Engineer" National Lab Day event. They discussed career possibilities and shared insights regarding students’ personal career paths.

May 21, 2010
Ivy Tech featured at the OSTI community college connections website

Visit community college connections this month to learn more about Ivy Tech Community College and its array of science programs. Ivy Tech recently received a $4.7 million grant from Department of Energy  for smart grid workforce training programs.  Community college connections is a part of the .EDUconnections website hosted by OSTI.

May 13, 2010
OSTI on Jeopardy May 12, 2010 (And someone knew the answer!)

Category: Which U.S. Cabinet Department?

For $600: Office of Scientific and Technical Information

If you answered Department of Energy, you are correct!

View the Jeopardy Board

May 5, 2010
University of Illinois featured at the OSTI .EDUconnections website

Connect to DOE-related research at the University of Illinois when you visit .EDUconnections. Learn about professors of interest and the institution’s exceptional students, and find remarkable innovations in research. Quick links are available at .EDUconnections to DOE grants, internships, fellowships and scholarships, and DOE-associated Nobel Laureates. An archive is available to other institutions featured in the .EDUconnections Spotlight. .EDUconnections features U.S. institutions committed to supporting and advancing DOE scientific research programs. Since 1867, the University of Illinois has been on the cutting edge of research and discovery, yielding revolutionary innovations such as the Mosaic Web browser, new plant varieties and the discovery of a third domain of life.

May 5, 2010
Melvin Schwartz and the discovery of the muon neutrino featured at OSTI

Discoveries that unleashed new opportunities for research into the innermost structure and dynamics of matter are now featured at the OSTI DOE R&D Accomplishments website. Melvin Schwartz was the co-winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino." Read about his award-winning work, done at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and find resources with additional information. DOE R&D Accomplishments is a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as remarkable advances in science.

Apr 23, 2010
DOE Green Energy portal

Find green energy-related research and development information through a new online portal, DOE Green Energy. The free public portal was launched on the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day (view press release) and provides technical documents from thousands of R&D projects conducted at DOE National Laboratories and by DOE-funded awards at universities. The DOE Green Energy portal is part of the DOE Open Government Plan, which furthers the Administration’s Open Government Initiative. It contains bibliographic citations, technical reports and patent information on different types of renewable energy resources and energy conservation, including solar, wind, bioenergy, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal and wave power, and energy storage.

Apr 20, 2010
New visualization technology enables users to reach for the stars -- find the related patent at DOepatents

The Starlight Information Visualization System is a Windows-based visual analytics tool developed over several years of research by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists. Find the associated patent and read more at http://starlight.pnl.gov/

DOepatents was developed by OSTI. More information about technology transfer may be found at the DOE Technology Transfer website. Questions about technology transfer at the U.S. Department of Energy may be addressed to DOEtechtransfer@science.doe.gov.

Apr 6, 2010
A new light shines on community colleges

The U.S. Department of Energy is now spotlighting community colleges across the nation committed to supporting and advancing science. The new page, community college connections, is linked from the OSTI .EDUconnections website which connects university libraries and research departments to valuable DOE scientific research. Visit community college connections this month to learn more about Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in Des Moines, Iowa and its array of science programs. Explore the resources and get quick links to nearby Ames Laboratory and its community college programs. Ames is managed by Iowa State University which shares a cross enrollment program with Des Moines Area Community College.

Mar 30, 2010
Find a lot of patent information fast using the patent abstracts feature at the DOepatents database

Now it's easy to quickly scan patent abstracts to find the scientific patent information you need. Search at DOepatents for the patent information related to your science topic; then hover over the patent titles and read the first 50 words of the patent abstracts directly from your search results page. Patent abstracts allow a quick perusal of all the patents on the search results page related to your search term. DOepatents was developed by OSTI. More information about technology transfer may be found at the DOE Technology Transfer website. Questions about technology transfer at the U.S. Department of Energy may be addressed to DOEtechtransfer@science.doe.gov.

Mar 30, 2010
Find your scientific document; then quickly find "more like this" at Information Bridge

The "go to" site for Department of Energy full-text research documents has added a ''more like this" feature on the search results page. Now you can search for technical reports on your topics of interest and quickly locate related documents. The "more like this" feature is based on the frequency of similar terms within the documents.

Documents in Information Bridge are primarily from 1991 forward and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees. Legacy documents are added as they become available in electronic format.

Mar 18, 2010
OSTI data sets deemed "high value"

From the Manhattan Project to the present, OSTI has been committed to ensuring access to DOE R&D results. Through the development of a suite of web-based data sets and information discovery tools, scientific and technical information is made widely available to the scientific community and the public. From the set of databases, tools, and services that OSTI made available to data.gov for the Open Government Initiative, five data sets were recently identified by the Department of Energy as "high value" data sets. This is information that DOE has amassed over the years and are considered of great use to the general public. The five high value data sets from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) include DOE Research and Development Project Summaries (data services), Energy Citations Database (data services), Information Bridge (data services), Geothermal/Geothermal Legacy Data (data services), and DOE Patents Database (data services). These tools have made DOE R&D results more transparent and have made scientific information access more convenient than ever before. View the feature on OSTI OpenGov initiatives.

Mar 9, 2010
Roasting Biomass May Be Key Process in Bioenergy Economy

Biorefineries may soon rely on a process akin to roasting coffee beans to get more energy-dense biomass. A new collaborative study between Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) will investigate whether such roasting can create a more valuable product for the nascent biofuels industry. DOepatents is the U.S. Department of Energy central collection of patent information, where research and development intersect with innovation and invention (view DOE patents related to biomass). This collection demonstrates the Department's considerable contribution to scientific progress from the 1940s to today.

Mar 9, 2010
OSTI’s .EDUconnections Spotlight Is on Purdue University

The Spotlight is on Purdue University. Each month OSTI's .EDUconnections features U.S. institutions committed to supporting and advancing DOE scientific research programs. Find professors of interest, exceptional students, and science and education news from Purdue. Visit the archive to see additional featured universities.

Mar 9, 2010
Radiocarbon, Carbon Dating and Willard Libby featured at DOE R&D Accomplishments Website

Willard Libby won the 1960 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his development of a method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science. View the feature at DOE R&D Accomplishments, a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as a remarkable advance in science. Resources with additional information are available.

Mar 2, 2010
Find DOE research documents, citations, accomplishments, patents, and projects related to climate change at OSTI

   The U.S. Department of Energy is awarding over a billion supercomputing hours to address scientific challenges through the 2010 Incite Program. This week OSTI features research documents, citations, accomplishments, patents and projects related to climate change, one of the primary scientific challenges addressed through the program that enables scientists and engineers to conduct cutting-edge research in just weeks or months rather than the years or decades needed previously. OSTI accelerates scientific discovery by providing rapid and precise access to scientific and technical information.

Feb 9, 2010
Find DOE patents related to Tokamak devices at the OSTI DOepatents database

   View the featured DOepatents related to Tokamak devices, read recent DOepatent features, and subscribe to the DOepatents RSS news feed at the OSTI DOepatents database. DOepatents is the U.S. Department of Energy central collection of patent information, where research and development intersect with innovation and invention. This collection demonstrates the Department's considerable contribution to scientific progress from the 1940s to today.

Feb 9, 2010
"Spotlight" on MIT at the OSTI .EDUconnections website

   Connect to DOE-related research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when you visit .EDUconnections. Learn about MIT professors, the institution's exceptional students, and find MIT Nobel Laureates associated with DOE. Quick links are available to DOE grants, internships, fellowships and scholarships. An archive is available to other institutions featured in the .EDUconnections spotlight. .EDUconnections spotlights U.S. institutions committed to supporting and advancing DOE scientific research programs.

Jan 26, 2010
"Science in the News" feeds from U.S. science agencies available at Science.gov -- plus social media capabilities

Now you can get science news from many U.S. science agencies via a new feed at Science.gov. From aftershock assessment of earthquakes to food recalls to U.S. transportation updates, Science in the News provides the latest information from just one interface. Use the new share button to take advantage of a wide array of social media tools. Be sure to check out the new toolbar, which allows emailing/printing of content pages. Science.gov searches over 40 scientific databases and more than 2000 selected websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results. Science.gov is governed by the interagency Science.gov Alliance.

Jan 19, 2010
How do plants capture energy? OSTI features the work of Nobel Laureate Melvin Calvin

Following carbon's path through photosynthesis earned Melvin Calvin the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
and ignited DOE research into using solar energy as a renewable resource. Calvin's work is featured at the DOE R&D Accomplishments website. Find Resources with Additional Information, including twenty-one electronic documents in the series "The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis" and two summary-level electronic documents written in 1952 and 1960. Also available is Calvin's Nobel Prize lecture from 1961 and supplemental web pages. DOE R&D Accomplishments is a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as a remarkable advance in science.

Jan 19, 2010
Now you can share DOE accomplishments and read the blog

From nuclear medicine to optical tweezers to secrets powering the stars, there's plenty of information you can now easily share via social media at the DOE R&D Accomplishments website. OSTI has added a share tool and a blog; RSS and a widget are also available. In addition, you can now read a brief history of DOE and predecessors on the About Page. A faceted menu and menu synopsis will help you navigate the diverse range of R&D information at this site. DOE R&D Accomplishments is a central forum for information about significant outcomes of past DOE R&D widely recognized as a remarkable advance in science.