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Ready-To-Use STD Curriculum - Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Files in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format download very quickly because of their small size but cannot be modified. If you want to customize the presentations, use the Microsoft Word (.doc) and PowerPoint (.ppt) documents. These documents take a little longer to download but can be edited.

The instructional time required for this module is approximately 60-90 minutes.

Document Name
Faculty Notes
Includes notes that correspond to the slide presentation, a case study with discussion points, and test questions with answers
hpv-notes.doc (821 KB)

(384 KB)
Slide Presentation hpv-slides.ppt (1.17 MB)

(817 KB)
Student Handouts  
Test Questions
For review or evaluation purposes
hpv-questions.doc (38 KB)

(32 KB)
Case Study
For classroom discussion
hpv-case-study.doc (32 KB)

(44 KB)
- Slide presentation in handout format
hpv-slides-handout.pdf (512 KB)
Publications and websites
hpv-resources.doc (45 KB)

hpv-resources.pdf (40 KB)

CDC Webcast:  HPV and Cervical Cancer:  An Update on Prevention Strategies


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    1600 Clifton Rd
    Atlanta, GA 30333
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    TTY: (888) 232-6348
  • Contact CDC-INFO The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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