Deposit Account Rules and Information

Recent Updates to Deposit Account Management Rules

The USPTO has updated the deposit account management processes to optimize functionality in Financial Manager:

  • All USPTO deposit accounts are stored and managed in Financial Manager
  • Monthly deposit account statements will no longer be mailed; instead, you can access and download your monthly statements at any time in Financial Manager
  • After opening a new deposit account, you'll have 45 days to fund the account using any of the options outlined on the Deposit Account Replenishment Options page
  • If your deposit account balance ever falls to $0, you'll have 45 days to replenish the account
  • Deposit account authorization codes are no longer used
  • Deposit accounts that have had no activity for a period of one year can be easily reactivated in Financial Manager

These updates have eliminated the need for the $10 fee that was previously charged to open a new deposit account. Setting up a new deposit account is now free.

Replenishing and Managing Existing Deposit Accounts

Financial Manager provides an easy and secure way for customers to manage and replenish deposit accounts online. You can manage deposit account funds, view your current balance, generate transaction reports, and download monthly statements all online. Additional options for replenishing USPTO deposit accounts are available on the Deposit Account Replenishment Options page.

Opening a New Deposit Account

As of April 9, 2016, the only way to open a new deposit account is through Financial Manager. It takes just a few minutes to create a new deposit account in Financial Manager. After the deposit account has been created, customers have 45 days to add funds using one of the options listed on the Deposit Account Replenishment Options page. You may also add other users to the deposit account, granting them specific user permissions to access your deposit account.

About USPTO Deposit Accounts

USPTO deposit accounts are pre-paid fund reserves that customers can establish to pay fees to the USPTO. Established for the convenience of attorneys, agents, and the general public in paying fees for products and services, deposit accounts provide customers with a high level of assurance that their USPTO fees are paid appropriately and on time. In an instance of miscalculation of a fee due, the balance required may be charged to the deposit account with a fee pre-authorization, which preserves the date of your filing.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) offers an Unrestricted type of deposit account, which allows account holders to charge any fee or service offered by the USPTO directly to their accounts. This eliminates the need to send payment by check, credit card, or other payment type each time a fee is required. Account holders must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 on the last business day of each month, or else the account will be assessed a $25 service charge for that month.

  • Note: For existing Restricted type of deposit accounts, account holders must maintain a minimum balance of $300 on the last business day of each month, or else the account will be assessed a $25 service charge for that month. This account is no longer available to new account holders.

It is the responsibility of the account holder to ensure that there are sufficient funds in the account to cover all fees and services requested. The account holder is also responsible for maintaining the list of associated users that are permitted to access and charge funds against the deposit account. Users with Administrator permission for the deposit account can add and manage the list of associated users and those users' permissions for the account in Financial Manager.  

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require additional information about deposit accounts and replenishment options, please contact the Deposit Account Branch at (571) 272-6500.