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Identifying Lands for Lease

For Federal coal resources, there are specific planning requirements beyond the BLM land use planning regulations.  These regulations are found in 43 CFR 3420.1. Specifically, under 43 CFR 3420.1-4, Federal coal lands must be:

  1. Screened for development potential; 
  2. Reviewed against specific coal unsuitability criteria (see 43 CFR 3461);
  3. Screened for multiple use constraints; and
  4. Where the surface is privately owned (as in the Powder River Basin), surface owners must be consulted.

This process results in a determination of areas acceptable for further consideration for coal leasing, under 43 CFR 3420.1-8. 

The BLM’s Legacy Rehost System called LR2000 provides reports on BLM land and mineral use authorizations for oil, gas, and geothermal leasing, rights-of-way, coal and other mineral development, land and mineral title, mining claims, withdrawals, classifications, and more on Federal lands or Federal mineral estate. This should be the first stop for anyone wishing to propose a use for public lands.  Visit the LR2000 site.