
Caterina Sforza

Caterina Sforza: Fearless Regent and Scientist of 15th-Century Italy

The Renaissance’s concocter of golden recipes.

Mask of Agamemnon


German archaeologist Schliemann had a flare for the sensational find.



First in a Series.

Dustj acket of The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, Vol. 2

Papa Wheelie

The American Expat Novelist Extolls la Vie Parisienne

Piazza Colonna in Rome

Eternal City’s Building Craze also Bolstered Urban Planning

Study demonstrates that a public voice can help develop a theocratic city

Illustration is of cloister vault in Basel, Switzerland

Late Medieval Architectural Embellishments Left Traces on Early Renaissance

Ironic term makes unequivocal mark

Fox Theatre in Atlanta

Atlanta, School Teachers, and the History of Race Relations Mix in Summer Workshop

Visits to sites relating to city's Jim Crow past have lasting impact

World map probably consulted by Columbus

Imaging Technology Reveals 15th-century Cartographer’s World View

Christopher Columbus likely used world map

Watercolor of Hampton, Va.,by Robert Knox Sneden

Civil War Watercolors by Mapmaker Depicted Deprivation and Despair of Long Conflict

Robert Knox Sneden colored the record