May 2015 DMID Council-Approved Concepts

Concepts represent early planning stages for program announcements, request for applications, or solicitations for Council's input. If NIAID publishes an initiative from one of these concepts, we link to it below. To find initiatives, go to the Opportunities and Announcements portal.

Council approval does not guarantee that a concept will become an initiative.

Table of Contents

International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research

For the published request for applications, see the October 29, 2015, Guide announcement, International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (U19).

Tropical Medicine Research Centers

For the published request for applications, see the December 11, 2015, Guide announcement, Tropical Medicine Research Centers (U19).

DMID Clinical Research Operations and Management Support

For the published request for proposals, see the December 2, 2015, solicitation, Clinical Research Operations and Management Support (CROMS).

Contact: Erin Felent

Objective: To support the clinical research agenda of DMID by providing high-quality clinical research support, including clinical site monitoring, safety monitoring, clinical quality management, protocol development, and research information tracking databases, and other operational, administrative, and logistical support.

Description: This initiative will support clinical site monitoring for more than 100 active clinical research studies at more than 100 domestic and international clinical sites with multiple pathogens, intervention modalities, and phases. The wide range of pathogens and therapeutic interventions under study by DMID at any given time, as well as the routine and on-demand nature of the clinical site monitoring services are unique to DMID and a significant project characteristic. In the event of a public health emergency, a responsive system with specialized services are critical to the DMID mission of supporting extramural research to control, prevent, and treat infectious diseases with a focused and swift mobilization of a cohesive and proven clinical research operations management model.

This project will also provide comprehensive and tailored support for implementing DMID diverse clinical research program supporting study-specific mechanisms for safety event tracking, assessment, monitoring, and safety oversight for more than 100 active DMID clinical research studies. It will provide tools and resources for protocol and essential regulatory document development, site staff good clinical practice training, management and support of about 75 unique DMID safety monitoring committees, as well as clinical site quality management training, consultative services, and oversight.

Clinical Agent and Specimen Repository

For the published request for proposals, see the September 22, 2016 solicitation, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) Clinical Materials Services.

Content last reviewed on December 11, 2015