COPE Study

Study Name

Clinical Outcomes of Patients with HIV Acquired in Early Life

Study Number


Goal of Study

We would like to better understand how HIV infection and the medicines used to treat it affect the growth and development of youth and young adults who have been infected since early life. We want to find out if there are any problems with how HIV-infected children grow and develop as adults, particularly with regard to cardiovascular health. We are interested in studying your heart because HIV appears to be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Study Regimen

You will have an Entry Visit during which you will be enrolled into the study and have the majority of the evaluations described below. The DEXA scan and the optional cardiovascular tests will only be repeated every five years. This study is planned to last at least 10 years. Visits for this study will take place every year, or every two years if you are unable to come every year. They will usually last one to two days.

We will check your medical records to see how you have been doing and which HIV medications you have been taking. We will ask you to complete several questionnaires about how you take your medicines, how content you are with your life, and what your plans for the future are. You will have a physical exam, and we will test your blood and collect a urine sample. DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) scans will be done every five years. These measure how strong your bones are and how much fat, muscle, and bone is in your body. You may be asked to complete a series of optimal cardiovascular tests, such as an electrocardiogram (EKG); an ultrasound of your heart called an echocardiogram (echo); a cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan; and an MRI of your heart. Volunteers will be compensated.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You acquired HIV infection in the first 10 years of your life.
  • Your current health allows you to travel and to undergo study procedures.
  • You have a primary care physician.
  • If female, you are not pregnant at the time of the study screening visit.
Content last reviewed on August 27, 2013