Impertinent Questions

Wayne Wiegand

Impertinent Questions with Wayne Wiegand

Our public libraries keep communities together.

Alan Kahan

Impertinent Questions with Alan Kahan

Tocqueville is still trenchant.

Michael D. Gordin

Impertinent Questions with Michael D. Gordin

on the evolution of a common language for science.

Neal Gabler

Walt Disney: In the End, He Wanted to Change How We Live.

Neal Gabler on the genius of Walt Disney

Ellen Gruber Garvey

Scrapbooking Was Big During and After the Civil War. Why?

In the nineteenth century, making scrapbooks wasn't just for the hoi polloi. Celebrities like Mark Twain clipped and pasted, too.

Carla Zecher

Now in English: The Memoir of a Robinson Crusoe à la française

Bon voyage, armchair travelers! Carla Zecher follows the perigrinations of an eighteenth-century French lieutenant.

Daniel Sayers

Anthropologist Daniel Sayers on Maroons Who Found Freedom in the Great Dismal Swamp

Non-Indiana Jones-style archaeology takes a bow in southern Virginia.

Jules Witcover

Jules Witcover on the Ups and Downs of American Vice Presidents

NEH-funded book on veeps.

David Igler

Sea Captains Changed the Pacific World. David Igler Explains How.

Western Americanist and native Californian David Igler on sea captains who sought their fortunes

Susan Shillinglaw

Sue Shillinglaw on Grapes of Wrath, Published Seventy-Five Years Ago

With Susan Shillinglaw on the 75th anniversary of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath