Learning Environments

Learning environments are nurturing spaces that support the learning of very young children. EHS programs create a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for infants and toddlers. This includes play spaces, areas for caregiving routines, and outdoor areas. Staff plan ways to integrate home cultures into the environment. They also consider the ways the space can change to support the changing ages, interests, and characteristics of a group of children over time.

Learning Environments

Early Essentials Webisode 7: Environments

News You Can Use: Environment as Curriculum

News You Can Use: Learning At Home & Homelike Environments

Caring Connections Series: Environments

Tip Sheet 9: Developmentally Appropriate EHS Environments

Tip Sheet 16: Dividing a Large Space into EHS Classrooms

Tip Sheet 17: Learning Areas in EHS Classrooms

Tip Sheet 26: EHS Socialization Environments

Tip Sheet 48: Outdoor Experiences for Very Young Children

TA Paper 14: Supporting Outdoor Play and Exploration

Spending Time Outdoors Matters for Infants and Toddlers!

News You Can Use: Outdoor Spaces

News You Can Use: Take It Outside

News You Can Use: Take It Inside


= Video
= Audio Conference
= Written Product

Last Reviewed: August 2014

Last Updated: June 11, 2015